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Discussion in 'Anything goes' started by Jim Tom Pinch, Oct 2, 2006.

  1. JR

    JR Well-Known Member

    No, you loved the dinner I cooked you. :)
  2. HeinekenMan

    HeinekenMan Active Member

    Here's another episode that does nothing to connect the dots.

    I made a comment to my wife tonight about how this show will end. It seems that I'm never going to be able to solve this puzzle. So they'll have to do it for me.

    I compared it to the Rubik's Cube, if you're old enough to remember that craze. The entertainment of that was the quest to solve it. But it was too difficult to solve and I just lost interest and tossed it into the corner. One day, I picked it up and peeled off the stickers. It was solved, but I got no satisfaction out of it.

    Lost is going down that same path. Tonight's episode made my head hurt. As an episode, it was grand. As a means to an end, it was a major roadblock.

    I just have no clue, and I still don't think the writers have a solid idea of how to get to where this goes.

    But they promise three big answers next week, so I'll see where they take things.
  3. I thought this was a swell episode. We understand Desmond's situation more clearly now, and we know Charlie's contract must be up.

    And ... how hot is Pene? Goodness gracious.
  4. bigpern23

    bigpern23 Well-Known Member

    Just read the Entertainment Weekly cover story about Lost and I have to say, I believe them when they say they know how it's going to end. They say in the grand scheme, we are a little ways past the halfway point. They're also trying to pin down ABC executives to set an end date so they can figure out the pace to the end (ABC is avoiding that because the show makes money).

    They also admit to making mistakes, including the first "miniseason" they had in the fall and the way they killed Eko.

    Reading the article was enlightening and kind of renewed my faith that the end of the show (which they are hoping to do around 100 episodes) will be worth it. For now, I'm just enjoying the journey and I'm considering purchasing the DVDs just so I can go back and look for the little stuff.

    (Oh and .... SPOILER ALERT!!!!!!!!!!!!

    The Others definitely have a sub.
  5. ifilus

    ifilus Well-Known Member

  6. Webster

    Webster Well-Known Member

    That was the type of episode which was so good that I didn't mind that it asked more questions than it answered. Now, I'm going to spend all day calling people "brother" in a bad Scottish accent.
  7. Killing off Eko wasn't a mistake. He asked to leave.
  8. leo1

    leo1 Active Member

    wow. i'm not one of those disillusioned by the direction the show has taken but i was very disappointed in last night's episode. the stuff with the old lady in the diamond shop was just fucking stupid. i was as disappointed as i've ever been in an episode.

    not that i'm giving up on the show after one bad episode. previews looked great for next week though; i think they said three (or four?) key questions get answered. somehow i'm skeptical but i hope next week makes up for this week.
  9. Armchair_QB

    Armchair_QB Well-Known Member

    So Desmond and the blonde on the other island have both been there for three years. Anybody else catch that?
  10. Inky_Wretch

    Inky_Wretch Well-Known Member

    The teaser for next week's ep said something about answering some big questions of the island. They better pay off on that promise.
  11. JR

    JR Well-Known Member

    Ever so slowly entering Twin Peaks wackjob territory.

    Attention writers:Incomprehensible nonsense does not equal deep philosphical thoughts. Honest.

    Getting more annoyed week by week. But I will continue watching until I start screaming at the TV.
  12. Pringle

    Pringle Active Member

    I can't believe you guys are bashing last night's episode. I thought it brought it back to what "LOST" really is - a mindf#*# When they try to turn it into an action-adventure-romance pirate show, it loses its way (i.e. first six episodes this year).

    In the last two episodes, Juliet's and Desmond's, the flashbacks were awesome. Compare that to our startling revelation that Kate had been married to a police officer and (get this part!) DOESN'T LIKE TO BE TIED DOWN IN ONE PLACE!!! Like, WHO KNEW???

    Mixing up the way the flashback was presented was a great idea.

    That was one of my favorite episodes in a long, long time.

    There were a lot of great gems thrown in, too. Another Wizard of Oz reference (the red shoes sticking out of the rubble), for example.

    Charlie signing "Wonderwall" tying into the end of the episode ("Maybe, you're gonna be the one that saves me ...")

    Also, for everyone who thinks they're making up everything as they go along - remember way back in Season 1 when Jack met Desmond while they were running bleachers? And Desmond knew things about Jack and everyone was like, "WTF?"

    Obviously, the writers had last night in their pocket for a long, long time.
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