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Discussion in 'Anything goes' started by Jim Tom Pinch, Oct 2, 2006.

  1. bigpern23

    bigpern23 Well-Known Member

    Obviously, they didn't accidentally kill him off. As I said in my post, they admitted the way they killed Eko was a mistake, somewhat clumsily and abruptly, thus upsetting the audience. It came straight from the mouths of Lindelof and Cuse, so yes, it was a mistake.
  2. Armchair_QB

    Armchair_QB Well-Known Member

    Something else I noticed last night but have no way of checking. The painting in Desmond's future non-father-in-law's office reminded me of the graffiti in the outer hallway in the hatch.
  3. Webster

    Webster Well-Known Member

    Some numbers related stuff -- the clock at Desmond's said 1:08 (the sum of the numbers) and the delivery man had a package for (four?) 815.
  4. bigpern23

    bigpern23 Well-Known Member

    Not sure if it was, but it definitely had a polar bear in it.
  5. And the microwave bell was awesome.
  6. JayFarrar

    JayFarrar Well-Known Member

    The artwork in their bedroom had the some of the same symbols the clock gets when it hits zero.
    I also thought it was funny that Charlie's character is modeled after one of the Gallagher brothers and he was singing Wonderwall.
    Great episode last night. Showed why Lost can be one ride of a show if you pay attention. I was pleased all the way around.
  7. HeinekenMan

    HeinekenMan Active Member

    Okay, I'll take a stab at this one.

    Widmore loved polar bears, but he didn't think the were large enough. So he bought an island and sent a team of scientists to cross a polar bear with another animal. They put electronic devices in the polar bears to track them, but the bears were also given a human brain. And they created a magnetic pulse that renders the microchips untrackable.

    While this was taking place, a French lady, a blonde fertility doctor and a yachtsman decided to meet for sex on a remote island. That was three years ago. They were in the midst of their loving when one of the polar bear doctors decided to make it a foursome. He had sex with the French lady. But he was also a hermaphrodite. So he had sex with a polar bear and got knocked up. Then he put the French lady in a coma and filled her stomach with a sack of flour that he had been saving to bake an apple pie. When she woke, she thought she was pregnant, but she only gave birth to some biscuits. Naturally, when the guy gave birth a few days later, she thought it was her child.

    At the baby shower, one of the guests suggested a game of capture the flag. Since they didn't have much to do, they decided to make the game last for about three years. They split into groups and built underground shelters. But the unexpected happened. The magnetic thing that the polar bears created caused a plane crash, and the baby shower was ruined.

    The father/mother was so angered by this, he/she decided to walk into a McDonald's and kill everyone eating more than 40 grams of fat. But he couldn't find a McDonald's on the island, so he settled for random killings and kidnappings.

    But there was some confusion. Walt was never actually kidnapped. It's just that the next island over had an AAU team, and they wanted him to play. So they let him live with the point guard's uncle for a few months. But then they realized that they had made a huge mistake in assuming that Walt could play basketball. While he was black, he turned out to be a much better gambler. His favorite numbers to play at the craps table were the numbers.

    Stay tuned for more.
  8. Pringle

    Pringle Active Member

    Some of the meaning of the show is starting to become more clear, actually. It's obvious now that time travel is a huge, huge theme. Played backwards (this is for real), last week's "Clockwork Orange"-style montage said, over and over, "Only fools are enslaved by time."

    Then you have Desmond's adventures in time. He's not really psychic. He's just reliving the past.

    Apparently in "The Lost Experience" Internet game, they introduced something called the "Valenzetti Equation." According to the clues there, the famed numbers are the answer to a formula that had pre-determined the end of the world.

    Connecting the dots, it's possible that the Dharma Initiative/Others are attempting to reset the equation to prevent it. And using some sort of time bending maneuvers to their advantage, or at least attempting to harnass the power of time.

    Remember, a big part of last night's episode revolved around the concept of predestination (guy in the red shoes, Charlie's number coming up here sooner or later, etc., etc.).

    Yeah, it pisses me off, too, that they would expect loyal viewers to scurry about the Internet in search of obscure clues to help piece this thing together. But that's what they want the show to be, I guess, a multimedia experience.
  9. Hoo

    Hoo Active Member

    Yeah, and it had "ETSAMAN" -- "Namaste" backwards -- written on it.
  10. STLIrish

    STLIrish Active Member

    Wow, Heinie. Brilliant. I think you've got it.
  11. Inky_Wretch

    Inky_Wretch Well-Known Member

  12. ifilus

    ifilus Well-Known Member

    "`Lost' is the tragedy of the season," said Marc Berman, TV analyst for Media Week Online as well as a fan aggrieved by what he considers ABC's bungled handling of a favorite show. "They really prematurely put the nail in the coffin. It's too late to save it."

    "Lost" will return for one more season, Berman predicted, and then likely sink from sight. (ABC declined requests for comment.)

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