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Discussion in 'Anything goes' started by Jim Tom Pinch, Oct 2, 2006.

  1. leo1

    leo1 Active Member

    so here's hoping tonight answers those four questions they promised to answer last week
  2. Clever username

    Clever username Active Member

    That is complete bullshit. How dare you theorize something so outlandish? The rest of it, though, spot on.
  3. Piotr Rasputin

    Piotr Rasputin New Member

    I've really liked this season. We've heard about these "Others" for two years, and focused on the group of 9-10 characers for the first two seasons. We've learned a lot about those people. They did a great job bringing in new characters, integrating the tail section people, and Desmond is interesting as well. So if they wanted to focus on the Others for a lot of this year, weaving a narrative instead of pulling a cliffhanger that gets resolved in the first hour of the season, a la Star Trek, that's fine with me.

    This show has me for the long haul. It has lost nothing.
  4. Bob Sacamano

    Bob Sacamano Member

    Not a great episode. They answered what Jack tattoos mean and that "The Others" live on the other island. Wasn't this supposed to be the episode "That answered the big questions".....?
  5. Piotr Rasputin

    Piotr Rasputin New Member

    I guess for me, my big question is always simply:

    "What happens next?"
  6. GimpyScribe

    GimpyScribe Member

    They should publish "Lost: The Novel" so all the impatient people who keep complaining there's not enough answers can skip to the last chapter instead of enjoying the ride.
    If you go into each episode pissed off cuz you're not getting answers, then you're probably missing out on all the good things this show has to offer.
    Put me in Piotr Rasputin's camp. I'm enjoying the "What happens next?" aspect. I trust I'll get the answers when all the questions have been asked.
  7. JayFarrar

    JayFarrar Well-Known Member

    They explained what happened to the kids. They made it clear that their is a real disconnect among the Others (the little girl asking about Ana Lucia). They covered the tattoo and that the Others are generational. Carl was clearly born and raised on the island. And that for at least some of the Others, the island is pretty much a company town.
    That makes five, what did I miss?
  8. Frank_Ridgeway

    Frank_Ridgeway Well-Known Member

    Why did they beat the crap out of Jack on that beach?
  9. spoiler_alert

    spoiler_alert New Member

    I think the show had deteriorated to the point where it's as simple as it appears: they beat the crap out of him because he's "an outsider."

    I don't usually climb on this-show-isn't-as-good-as-it-used-to-be bandwagons - those bandwagons bug the shit out of me - but I'm starting to lace up the Five Tens. The flashbacks are becoming subordinate to the real-time stuff. It's a subtle difference, but it used to be the other way 'round, which provided a lot of the mystery and tension that's been lost this season. The writers wanted to explain Jack's tattoo, and they needed to tie it in with the Others storyline - Others, outsider - so they tacked that business at the end on to it.

    Jay, in my mind, last week's preview made it seem like major revelations would be made - arcs wrapped up, mysteries revealed, that kind of thing. For example, what's the mist? What's the Dharma Initiative? What time period are they in? What happened to Locke? If they're going to tease that three longtime mysteries are going to be revealed, I personally would expect that at least one of them is going to be, ya know, bigger than the secondary meaning of Jack's tattoo.

    Ever had a friend rave about a movie, then you watched it and it was underwhelming? Then you caught it a couple more times by chance later, and it kept getting better? ABC's desperation to get the show's audience back is killing the its chances of regaining traction because it overhypes every episode. I don't need or want every episode of Lost to be like an episode of 24. But they've pretty much set it up so Charlie has to die - along with some other next-level action - or next week's episode is going to be a letdown.

    A disconnect between the Others? Carl's origins? Carl could die in a nationally televised suicide pact with the ghost of Janis Joplin and I'd barely care about his ending, much less his origin.

    Can I get anybody a beer?
  10. Twoback

    Twoback Active Member

    I'm getting close to pulling the plug.
    It's not a mystery if you tell us nothing. It's not a puzzle if you don't put the pieces on the table. What we're doing, essentially, is watching darkness.
    Jack gets a tattoo. Native girl says there'll be consequences. Native guys beat him up on the beach and tell him he has to leave. Why? We don't know. And why should anyone tell us? Just one more "mystery."
    I might have only one week of this left.
  11. leo1

    leo1 Active Member

    i thought it was a good one except for jack's flashback. i didn't like desmond's flashback last week but in hindsight after last night, at least the desmond one answered something we've been wondering about since the fall. who knew jack was in thailand? why was he even there? who the fuck cares about that whore/tattoo artist and the beat down on the beach?
  12. Inky_Wretch

    Inky_Wretch Well-Known Member

    Jack got beat up because he got that magical tattoo, when he wasn't Thai (he was in Thailand, right?) or perhaps because he wasn't Buddhist.

    Of course, that tattoo was just the Chinese characters. He's got some other weird looking symbols above that on his shoulder now. I suspect we'll have to see yet another Jack flashback to learn the meaning of those tattoos and how he got them.
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