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Discussion in 'Anything goes' started by Jim Tom Pinch, Oct 2, 2006.

  1. Twoback

    Twoback Active Member

    Yeah, I'll be waiting for that.
  2. HeinekenMan

    HeinekenMan Active Member

    Well, that episode has me thinking. That has to be good. I'm trying to figure out how the tat plays into it. Since Namaste is from an Asian language, I checked Wikipedia. It doesn't mention Lost at all, but it has some good information. It's worth reading through it. One potential meaning is that "the spirit in me meets the spirit in you" or something to that affect. That leaves a lot open to interpretation.

    As for what the tat means, I'm at a loss. By saying that he is not "one of us," are they insinuating simply that he's an outsider? Or is there more to it? Perhaps he has some sort of other-wordly power?

    It seems clear that the young man who was held captive has never been off the island. Since he's about the age of his girlfriend, this would make sense. As for why they would want to keep them apart, maybe they're related. Brother and sister?

    The clues keep coming, but I can't put them together at all. I have to think that MIchael and Walt would attempt to rescue everyone. But there's been no such effort made. I'd like to know what they're doing now. Also, I'm pretty interested in Alex's mother. Where the hell is she these days? Surely, she can clear up a lot of this stuff.

    And there are the characters who have simply disappeared. It's fine for them to introduce us to the Others. But we still need information on those who are still camped out. They made those folks into some fairly significant characters, and I want to know where they are. There are a few that have completely fallen off the face of the planet. Take the lady with cancer. We haven't seen her in ages.

    And what of her suddenly healed cancer? Why does she lose it but the other guy gets a tumor? And what about that whole thing with the bald dude's leg?

    The only thing I'm relatively sure of is that some people came to an island to do experiments. This could explain a lot of the mysteries. i.e. the black smoke, the bears, the hatches. But there are tons of unanswered questions. I don't have enough time to quantify them, but there are lots of loose ends. And I think that's what irks some people. We've spent nights laying awake trying to think of the answers to these mysteries, and the reality is that many of them will go unanswered. Don't be naive. They've dug themselves a hole too deep to climb out of. Even if they had new episodes for three years solid, they still couldn't answer all of the questions. And that leads me to believe that they'll try to hastily throw together some all-encompassing ending.

    As for Jack's beating, I can't fathom the point of it. All too explain a tattoo? I don't buy that. Surely, there must be a plot twist there. It's not as if we needed more info to determine that Jack is a tortured soul. So, if they think it's important, then I'll assume that it must be so.
  3. fw

    fw New Member

    ONE of the things that are really pissing me off is that ABC moved the start time to 10 p.m. to "protect" Lost from fucking American Idol. So what was their brilliant programming lead-in for Lost the last two weeks? The previous week's episode! What's the fucking point? Stop screwing with your audience and start the freaking show at 9 p.m. And put some crappy midseason replacement show on at 10. For crissakes. ...
    Rasputin, they did do a good job of integrating the Tailies, but since then they've killed off every one of them (except Rose's husband, and who the fuck cares about him?) Just another example of how they've fucked up the show.
    And as for the person who mentioned Michael and Walt, they're long gone (as in they won't be on this season), though the creators said in Entertainment Weekly there will be some resolution to that arc next season. (So we've got that going for us, which is nice).
  4. Webster

    Webster Well-Known Member

    What frustrates me the most is that no one asks any questions. Sawyer and Kate don't ask Carl simple things like -- where were you born? who are you people? do you have contact with the outside world? even, why are they after you? Jack doesn't ask any questions at all, despite having the power over Ben's life. It is ridiculous. Hell ,he didn't even ask the "sheriff" woman who she was.
  5. JayFarrar

    JayFarrar Well-Known Member

    So thoughts on tonight's episode?
    I was blah and it stretched belief even for Lost. Chick got killed by a "meteor or asteroid, I don't know which."
  6. bigpern23

    bigpern23 Well-Known Member

    I'm still in the camp of people who enjoy the ride and don't need answers every week. I trust the writers to give us a fun and entertaining show, hopefully with a good payoff (I do dread and X-Files like ending).

    That said, this week's episode was terrible. Nothing happened. Hurley found a car and got himself a "victory." Whoop de-dam-do. And the way they made the end sound like it wa a cliffhanger ("I think Alex is your daughter") was stupid. No shit she's Rousseau's daughter. We all figured that out pretty much the first time we saw a 16-year-old named Alex.

    This episode was just boring and didn't advance the story in the slightest way.
  7. ifilus

    ifilus Well-Known Member

    Next week: Hugo finds a map to the island's Mobil station.
  8. tyler durden 71351

    tyler durden 71351 Active Member

    I liked it...it was kind of light and funny. (Although the boy at the beginning looked nothing like a young Hurley). It was good to see Cheech Marin. The bit with Sawyer drinking shitty, stale beer and making wisecracks was great. And the bit with the bus rolling down the hill had me on edge. After the past couple of complicated episodes, it was nice to have a little breezy one...
  9. bigpern23

    bigpern23 Well-Known Member

    I will admit, it was a funny episode. Just would have rathered seen that stuff spliced in with some meat.
  10. JayFarrar

    JayFarrar Well-Known Member

    It was funny in spots, but I'm beginning to wonder if the producers aren't sick of the show either and are trying to make it tank so they can wrap it up in season 4 and be done.
    Or wrap it up this season and have a mini-season in the fall to finish it off.
    Or a studio movie, like X-Files did or just leave everyone hanging.
    Tonight's show was the kind of thing youwould expect from a struggling show.
  11. Piotr Rasputin

    Piotr Rasputin New Member

    I'm in Durden's camp. Really enjoyed it.

    Thought it was the type of episode a show does when it's confident that it doesn't need to advance the plot with every second of every week.
  12. Killick

    Killick Well-Known Member

    Hurley: "You... redneck... guy."

    Sawyerisms addition:
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