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Discussion in 'Anything goes' started by Jim Tom Pinch, Oct 2, 2006.

  1. Hoo

    Hoo Active Member

    Had Sawyer employed "Snuffy" before? I liked that one.
  2. GimpyScribe

    GimpyScribe Member

    I liked the episode. I'm all about Hurley-centric episodes. Sure the chick reporter getting smashed by a meteor was a little farfetched, but think about the show we're watching. It's ALL farfetched! We've had intense episodes the last few weeks. I think this episode was exactly what the news woman interviewing Hurley said it was: a puff piece. Not every episode needs to be "edge of your seat" viewing. I forgot how much I had missed Sawyer's interaction with the others.

    A few of the favorite nicknames (Jumbotron, Snuffy) were already mentioned, but I had a good chuckle when he referred to Charlie (The Hobbit) as "the midget."
  3. Webster

    Webster Well-Known Member

    Am I the only one that finds it weird the Rousseau has lived on the island for 16 years and doesn't know the location of the base camp of The Others? Something is up with her.
  4. HeinekenMan

    HeinekenMan Active Member

    This show is becoming more horrendous by the episode, and I'm shocked that people haven't realized it.

    My wife pointed out last night that they flashed to a shot of Charlie with a bear a few scenes after they showed him shaving it off. And how exactly is a vehicle that has been flipped on its side so long that it's rusted out going to start? Doesn't gas evaporate or spill out or simply become so dirty that it won't ignite?

    I've invested too much time to quit watching, but what exactly is there to watch? If I want comedy, I'll watch a friggin' sitcom. This is a DRAMA. But there is none. It's one thing to add a few jokes; it's something entirely different when are there is to the episode are jokes.

    I mean, we're awfully far into the thing for them to start asking questions to the wild Amazon woman, aren't we?
  5. leo1

    leo1 Active Member

    webster, i'd like to agree with you but i doubt that her inconsistencies are going to be explained. she's an interesting character but it's definitely inexplicable that she doesn't realize know more about the others.

    your wife realizes that hair grows back, right?
  6. I'm on the side of awful with this one. About the only thing worth while was Hurley and Charlie riding down the hill wondering if it was Charlie's turn to die. But you knew they wouldn't kill, him .... too predictable. It was a good fluff piece, but I think the attempts at humor could have been mixed in with some story to advance the show at least a little bit beyond "I think it was your daughter."

    I'm in on this show for the long haul. I used to be excited to get home from work every wednesday to find out what happened, but I don't rush home anymore because I figure the show sucked anyway
  7. HC

    HC Well-Known Member

    I enjoyed it. Was worth it just to see Sawyer teaching Jin 'all the English you need to deal with women'. :D
  8. bigpern23

    bigpern23 Well-Known Member

    What makes you think she doesn't know where they live? After all, Kate went to her for help, I'm assuming precisely because she DOES know where they live.
  9. HeinekenMan

    HeinekenMan Active Member

    It was a mistake. They showed him without the beard in the very next scene. I just think they're becoming careless. I think that's the problem the show is facing these days. Just like you and me and everyone on the planet, we don't do the same great job every day. Sometimes, we mail it in and say fuck it.

    In this case, the producers and directors and screen writers know darned well that they have a huge core of dedicated viewers who won't walk away until they know what the hell it's all about.
  10. Webster

    Webster Well-Known Member

    I got the idea that they were going to go looking for the base together, but maybe I'm wrong. I'll watch the last scene again if I have time tonight.
  11. Piotr Rasputin

    Piotr Rasputin New Member

    I think she knows exactly where they are, who they are, and has some clues as to their origins.

    Why hasn't she done anything about it? Well, perhaps because she's one woman, and she's scared of them? Maybe because any action on her part would be a slaughter?

    Or it's just becauise she's French, and has thus surrendered.
  12. Webster

    Webster Well-Known Member

    Kate said that she was going to look for the Others camp and needed someone who knew the island. Rousseau didn't say that she knew where the camp was nor did it look like Kate believed that she did.
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