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Discussion in 'Anything goes' started by Jim Tom Pinch, Oct 2, 2006.

  1. qtlaw

    qtlaw Well-Known Member

    Juliette has the best funbags now that Jack's daliance with that South American woman is over.
  2. Armchair_QB

    Armchair_QB Well-Known Member

    Carrie had telekinetic powers, didn't she?
  3. Precious Roy

    Precious Roy Active Member

    Ok, my thoughts, the whole Lost Experience drug me in last year, and being without a life as I am I learned a few things.
    The island is a lab for the Honso foundation, that is for sure. They were doing experiments with extending life, electromagnetics and other things.
    We've already seen a shark from the Hydra facility, there was a Dharma Project brand on the tail fin. The bears likely did come from the cages Kate and Sawyer are in, it's now really just a question of what happened in what Juliette called the "past life" to throw it all in shambles.
    The guy that escaped from the cage with Sawyer, I'll bet it was a ploy to see if he would try to escape. One of the many psychological tests the 'Others' (Dharma Project members) are running on the island.
    Anyway, liked the episode, can't wait for more.
  4. PaseanaARG

    PaseanaARG Guest

    I find it more significant that we have started two seasons in a row with oldies music.

    And DD makes a great point -- why argue over the secret communities when there is a bird who said Hurley's name? Or polar bears on a tropical island?

    Isn't it weird that Jack thought he heard his dad on the intercom? I know Juliet quick introduced the idea that Jack was hallucinating from hunger, yet it was just odd to me. Eko obviously saw something profund from his past in the smoke monster. The same argument could be made for Locke, though he described it as "beautful" when Locke's past seems anything but.
  5. Bubbler

    Bubbler Well-Known Member

    Your avatar confuses me, yet, I'm attracted to it.
  6. JayFarrar

    JayFarrar Well-Known Member

    I think of it as an angry man with a blinking unibrow.

    Back to Lost. I still wonder if it was a preconceived, multi-season story arc, or if they are just making it up as they go. Either way, it is one of those shows that is beginning to get on my nerves. Just tell us WTF is going on and quit playing games.
    And on the commercials ... I didn't notice, thanks Tivo.
  7. Double Down

    Double Down Well-Known Member

    Not saying that I believe it, but one of the more reasonable arguments I heard for the over-commercialized season premeire is that the writers probably felt like they wanted to keep the opener just to Jack, Sawyer and Kate for storytelling purposes, and they didn't quite have enough material to stretch that into a normal length episode. I sort of want to believe that, because the alternative is that ABC figured it could charge higher ad rates for the season opener, and decided to cash in.

    I read somewhere that Damon Lindelof said he had sketched out the first six seasons of this show, but I don't know how much I believe that. I think he probably had a begining and possibly the end, then maybe some specific character stuff in the middle he wanted to deal with, but no real idea of how exactly to connect the two. So far, I think they've done well, but when you bring on people like Ana Lucia and Libby, then kill them off half a season later because they get DUIs or everyone hates their character (or in Michelle Rodriguez's case, both) then I'm skeptical that the original sketch included anyone like Ana Lucia and I'm more inclinded to think you're just making it up as you go.
  8. Drock

    Drock Member

    I'm not sure we're done with Libby yet. A lot of her back story hasn't been revealed.
  9. PaseanaARG

    PaseanaARG Guest

    I'd trade Hurley for Ana Lucia any day. I know a lot of fans didn't like AL because she was so intense and solemn. I thought that was an important emotion. If a person like that was on an island like that, she'd act like that.

    And why kill Libby? I thought she could have been one of the really intriguing characters. I love Locke and Eko and Ben. Beyond those three characters, I don't see a lot of intrigue.
  10. Double Down

    Double Down Well-Known Member

    So I keep thinking about how this episode was called "Tale of Two Cities" and how Desmond was a big Dickens fan, but I don't know what the (larger) connection to it all is.

    The love triangle thing seems a bit obvious, and I suppose I could see Jack going all Sydney Carton and sacrifice himself so that Sawyer and Kate could live free, but now that we're on to episode 2, that seems unlikely. Maybe it was just an attempt to fuck with guys like me, who are English majors at heart, though not in actual practice.
  11. Precious Roy

    Precious Roy Active Member

    Libby is dead, yes, but I also think we are not finished with her. She is too much of Hurley's story to just cut ties with her and be done with it. I was very upset when she was killed.
  12. Bob Sacamano

    Bob Sacamano Member

    This show has proved that just becuase a character is dead...that does not mean that you wull not see them again...ie Jack's Dad, Ethan, Goodwin..
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