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Discussion in 'Anything goes' started by Jim Tom Pinch, Oct 2, 2006.

  1. Beer_Baron

    Beer_Baron Member

    Except for the fucking studs, Hoo. Otherwise they wouldn't be fucking studs.
  2. Inky_Wretch

    Inky_Wretch Well-Known Member

    I don't think that's fair in this case.

    For me, I think it was the break between seasons. Last season, I found myself enthralled by the whole Lost Experience. I was going to the Dharma and Hanso sites, looking for clues. I couldn't wait for the next episode because I wanted to see the next twist and turn.

    I think it's still great TV, but I'm just not as hooked as I once was.
  3. Hoo

    Hoo Active Member

    Know what blew my mind last night? Hearing Ben/Henry talk about the Losties being on the island 60-some days. Geez. It feels like forever.
  4. STLIrish

    STLIrish Active Member

    Like Leo said, Lost (w/24 on break) is the only show that I consider a must-watch every week.
    Granted, there were let-down episodes last year where it felt like nothing happened, and I'll admit, over the summer I lost the handle on a few lesser strands of its narrative web (I couldn't remember whether Jin and Baldy had met, for instance). But overall, the writing, the acting, the bigger questions it grapples with that go far beyond the plot mysteries, they make this, to my mind, the best show on network TV.
    Most shows reveal far too quickly, then spend the rest of their run revisiting the same tired conflicts (see most sitcoms and teenage soaps) or spinning off into ludicrous oblivion (look what happened to Alias). Maybe that's because they don't have the chops to hold your attention long enough. Lost does. So I'll stick with it.
  5. jay_christley

    jay_christley Member

    I read somewhere [although I can't remember where ... TV Guide? some magazine interview?] in which the producers said there will be some revelations this year that will lead viewers to questions our concept of time.
    I think it's comments like this that are leading us in that direction.
  6. Beer_Baron

    Beer_Baron Member

    Nobody watched tonight?
  7. Chi City 81

    Chi City 81 Guest

    I just got done watching it. This does NOT set up the rest of the season nicely.
  8. PaseanaARG

    PaseanaARG Guest

    I thought the 10/18 ep was really good.

    I love Locke and Eko, which means it was double-your-pleasure night for Passy. I thought the stuff with Desmond (don't want to drop spoilers) was pretty cool. I knew something like that was coming; just didn't know it was him.

    What sucks about this season is how it can't deal with all the characters at once. Now, each ep has to be dedicated either to the Others/the kidnapped or with the beach-bound survivors. I don't like that. I'm still very into the show. Been a fun season so far.
  9. Pringle

    Pringle Active Member

    I didn't quite get the Desmond thing. Hurley had deja vu while Desmond was throwing rocks into the ocean. Huh?
  10. Madhavok

    Madhavok Well-Known Member

    Well then...


    When Hurley ran into Desmond in the jungle, Desmond had a brief conversation with Hurley on Locke's big speech he gave to the survivors about going to rescue Jack, Sawyer and Kate. Hurley seemed confused then said something like, 'oh you mean Mr. Ecko, yeah he's going to find Mr. Ecko..'

    That was that and at the end of the ep, Locke has his big speech with a puzzled Hurley looking on while Desmond is throwing/skipping rocks into the ocean.
  11. Armchair_QB

    Armchair_QB Well-Known Member



    Desmond told Hurley what Locke said about "getting their friends back" before Locke said it.

    Thus the deja vu comment.

    That also ties into the comment from the producers that this season would question our concept of time.
  12. Saw it. Liked parts of it, especially some of Charlie and Hurley's reactions. But in general, it just left me confused...

    For one thing, how did Des, Locke and Eko get back into the jungle if the hatch imploded, and they were all inside at the time?
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