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MacGruber (explosion)

Discussion in 'Anything goes' started by BRoth, May 19, 2009.

  1. Mizzougrad96

    Mizzougrad96 Active Member

    They made this movie for $10 million. It sounds like it's going to be a monster hit.
  2. BRoth

    BRoth Member

    Given the budget and when it's being released, there's no way this movie doesn't make back double its cost. I'm very anxious to see how it fairs this weekend. I feel like $40 million for a total box office run would be a hell of a success.
  3. Mizzougrad96

    Mizzougrad96 Active Member

    Well, it's R-rated and that may hurt it a bit. It could help it too. The people I know who have seen it, and loved it, said the reason it's good is because it's so crude.

    I think it will make at least $75 million.
  4. Bubbler

    Bubbler Well-Known Member

    Not trying to be a dick, but why would anyone care whether the movie makes its money back or not? Or what its box office is? I've never understood why that mattered to anyone but the studio and the producers.
  5. ucacm

    ucacm Active Member

    I saw the movie this afternoon and laughed hard. It's not a "good movie" per se, but if you go in knowing what to expect, it's damn hilarious. I thoroughly enjoyed it.

    Oh, and FWIW, I don't think there is a chance in hell it makes $75 mil...
  6. BRoth

    BRoth Member

    I'm a movie nerd, plain and simple. That kind of stuff interests me. Completely understand what you mean, though. No worries.
  7. schiezainc

    schiezainc Well-Known Member

    For me, box office success is, to a certain degree, an indicator on how good/bad a movie was.

    When I go see something like Avatar, and I like it, I'll keep my eyes on the numbers to see how it does. Something like the Twilight movies, meanwhile, I watch to see them fail because I know they suck and the fact that they make bank makes me want to rip my eyes out.

    Also, it's nice to see a movie you like make a ton of movie because that increases the odds that there will be a sequel. Take Batman Begins, for instance.

    In the end, I just think it's nice to have a quantitative way to analyze a movie. Though, with rising ticket prices, I think big numbers like $100 and $200 million are quickly becoming irrelevant.
  8. ucacm

    ucacm Active Member

    Kinda like sports statistics. As long as the team you root for wins, why should you even care about the stats? Yet, we love to see a guy go off for a triple double, rush for 200 yards, or hit for the cycle.
  9. BRoth

    BRoth Member

    Well, that was quick: http://is.gd/cklqz

    "According to the early Friday box office estimates, Universal’s Saturday Night Live big screen adaptation of MacGruber bombed with only $1.6 million on Friday, headed for an estimated weekend total of $4.5 million."
  10. ucacm

    ucacm Active Member

    This doesn't surprise me at all. Do people even watch SNL anymore?

    It's kind of weird that I even went to see this movie, let alone, made a point to check it out on the first day. I rarely watch SNL, and I've never found the MacGruber skits particularly funny.

    I only went to see it after reading the reviews that said "this movie is not really like the skit" but, it is "vulgar, shocking, and downright hilarious." Something about shock/cringe humor that makes me laugh my ass off every time.

    The movie delivered everything I expected, and the few people in the theater were laughing pretty hard as well.
  11. Bodie_Broadus

    Bodie_Broadus Active Member

    There is a thread on SNL here every week, so I would bet people watch that shit.
  12. imjustagirl

    imjustagirl Active Member

    10-15 people on a site of over a thousand watch it, and they rip it. And that's FREE. There's a difference between watching something because people work weird hours and there's nothing else on ... and dropping $10 a ticket to go see it in a theater.
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