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Mad Men

Discussion in 'Anything goes' started by hondo, Aug 3, 2008.

  1. Ben_Hecht

    Ben_Hecht Active Member

    A percentage possibility . . . but after Betty wickedly sic'd him on her friend in the lunch Betty helped arrange -- a lunch Betty then ducked -- I doubt it.

    'Twould be EXTRAORDIARILY diabolical, if true.
  2. lantaur

    lantaur Well-Known Member

    I recently read somewhere that the report of the actors not being signed up was erroneous.
  3. JR

    JR Well-Known Member

    There's nothing to indicate that she slept with that guy. I would be totally out of sync with everything that went on between them.
  4. Ben_Hecht

    Ben_Hecht Active Member

  5. I think the baby was conceived during that night Don and Betty spent at her father's house. That's ironic, considering what Betty's childhood attendant Viola told her the next morning---"Once you walk out of these doors, everything will be O.K." There's no way it's Arthur's child---this show wouldn't do such a thing.
  6. JR

    JR Well-Known Member

    Here's a little useless trivia: Burke Moses, the brother of Mark Moses (Duck) is playing Captain Von Trapp in the Toronto production of "Sound of Music" --the one HC's in.

    Like I said, useless trivia. Oh, and he's the only American in the cast. Everyone else is a Canuck.
  7. Ben_Hecht

    Ben_Hecht Active Member

    Three more years!
    Three more years!
    Three more years!
  8. qtlaw

    qtlaw Well-Known Member

    Thoroughly enjoyed the finale. Sorry to see it end.

    Nice to see Don got some perspective. Great FU to Duck's power play.

    What was that between Peggy and Peter? Was that her FU to him for him treating her so badly? My vague memory is that Peter did not exactly rape her but did kind of force himself on her. Or was it that she assumed he would fall for her and he went back to his wife?

    Got to believe the merger goes through; lawyers already wrote up papers and they were starting the "new" office with Duck in charge when in came crashing down.

    Good thing that Peter showed some loyalty to Don because he picked the right pony to back.
  9. Joe Williams

    Joe Williams Well-Known Member

    Don comes home finally, after all that went on, and Betty doesn't even get up from the couch. Sits there and Don settles in at the other arm rest, with the kids watching TV. She's pregnant. Yeah, lot of passion there. Sure seems that their respective itches won't be getting scratched, not really.
  10. Pete

    Pete Well-Known Member

    Did Peggy really give up her (and Pete's) child for adoption like she said? I had thought earlier in the season that her sister was raising the child. I remember the end of an early episode this season in which Peggy is leaving her sister's (or mother's?) and the sister says, don't you want to say good-bye to the kid, and Peggy pokes her head in on a sleeping child. I assumed that was Peggy's kid.

    Of course, that wouldn't be the first thing I've whiffed on in this series, and that's with frequent rewinding. Very dense.
  11. shotglass

    shotglass Guest

    That's certainly the read I've gotten from it too, Pete.
  12. lantaur

    lantaur Well-Known Member

    In reading recent interviews with Matt Weiner:
    1. The baby in Peggy's house is her sisters. They were pregnant at around the same time. Peggy did give hers up for adoption.
    2. Betty got pregnant when she and Don had that moment at her father's house.
    3. In the last episode, that was the first time Betty ever cheated on Don.
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