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Mad Men

Discussion in 'Anything goes' started by hondo, Aug 3, 2008.

  1. Cosmo

    Cosmo Well-Known Member

    Finally caught up on season 2 here. Got into the show late because a) didn't have a DVR and b) was watching several other shows when this first came out, and I tend to get very immersed in one or two shows and not skip around to others.

    The acting here is amazing, the writing too. I find it fascinating how quickly we can feel sympathetic for certain characters, even Pete and Duck, and have those feelings change in an instant. I've thought Pete to be a sniveling little twit for the entirety of the show, and the way he handled his father-in-law with the Clearasil account sort of cemented that for me. That was a moment he needed to be a professional and he had no idea how to do it, how to separate a personal grudge that he had bore forever with the importance of keeping an account. And he wonders why he's always a step behind. He talks an impressive game, but he's completely immature.

    The moment with Peggy was telling, though. The single tear was perfect, because it was completely out of character for any man of that age to show real emotion. I'm interested to see what becomes of his character in Season 3, because he's always been a brownnoser who tries to go with who he thinks will take him farther in SC.

    I get the sense, too, that Don and Betty are irreparably broken, no matter how they're portrayed from here on forward. I'm not convinced Don is done with his adulterous ways, because as has been pointed out, he's an easy lay. I don't think Betty will ever fully trust Don again, no matter what she says. And after the way she's treated him the last half a season or so, I'm not sure he trusts her to be a competent mother. The scenes where Betty cracks with Sally, putting her in the closet, shows a woman trying to hold onto any bit of power that she has left. Same with sleeping with the guy in the bar. I love how this show deals with the issue of female empowerment, and how it's respected in the workplace (Peggy) but not at home (Betty and Joan ... whose fiance is a steaming pile of shit, FWIW).

    Tremendous show. Can't wait for Aug. 16. The DVR will be set, since I'm pretty sure I have to work.
  2. KVV

    KVV Member


    Sexiest woman on television? All signs point to yes.
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 15, 2014
  3. ArnoldBabar

    ArnoldBabar Active Member

    I don't know if you've ever seen Firefly, but she did a couple of episodes on that, and was at the height of her powers at the time. Just sexy as all hell.
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 15, 2014
  4. RecentAZgrad

    RecentAZgrad Active Member

    I kind of want to go back and watch this again. It's been so damn long since the last season ended, I've forgotten all about it. Did Peggy have the baby at the end of Season 1 or 2?
  5. KVV

    KVV Member

    Peggy had the baby at the end of Season 1. She finally told Pete about it at the end of Season 2.

    Lastly, Roger Sterling is probably the funniest character on television.
  6. RecentAZgrad

    RecentAZgrad Active Member

    Ah, that's what it was.
  7. ifilus

    ifilus Well-Known Member

    Season 3 of MAD MEN will premiere on Sunday, August 16, 2009 at 10pm on AMC. And I'm sure you guys are really excited to have Don Draper and his team back on your screens soon. The even better news is that the premiere will be presented with limited commercial interruptions.

    In addition, AMC will host a Season 2 Mad Men marathon on Monday, August 10, from 7am to 8pm, so if you're not caught up yet, here is your chance.

  8. RecentAZgrad

    RecentAZgrad Active Member

    That's perfect. I'm setting my DVR as we speak. Thanks ifilus!
  9. Cosmo

    Cosmo Well-Known Member

    Season premiere tonight! I'm pumped!
  10. shockey

    shockey Active Member

    me, too. i'm sure we're not alone. ;D ;) 8)

    only frustration is that amc is one of the few channels fios doesn't provide in hdtv yet. :( :( :(
  11. Dyno

    Dyno Well-Known Member

    Can't wait. A little Don Draper will definitely hit the spot.
  12. DanOregon

    DanOregon Well-Known Member

    SNL reran the Jon Hamm episode. Really like the show, don't know if it's not overhyped given its ratings, but Hamm seems like a really decent guy. Wish more networks took chances on period stuff. Setting a show in this time period, in this industry, was pure genius given the social change going on.
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