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Mad Men

Discussion in 'Anything goes' started by hondo, Aug 3, 2008.

  1. Ben_Hecht

    Ben_Hecht Active Member

    Just waiting for the full one-hour Sterling/Slattery laff riot.

    The guy gets ALL the lines.
  2. JayFarrar

    JayFarrar Well-Known Member

    Given the situation at the start of his life, it isn't hard to see why Dick Whitman would want to flee and not ever, ever go back.
    So creating an alternate reality fits in nicely.
    I liked how they showed the Pete/Ken split reaction to the head of account news.
    That should create an interesting dynamic through the rest of the run.
    "Sorry I'm late. What'd I miss? Oh, that meeting."

  3. Bob Slydell

    Bob Slydell Active Member

    Slattery always gets the best lines and nails them.

    I agree, I'd make a new reality if I grew up like Draper! And Sal, it seemed like a whole new world opened up for him.

    The Ken and Pete dynamic was great. Shapes up for a fun season.

    The snotty British male secretary is pretty unlikeable, and that's saying something for that show.
  4. JR

    JR Well-Known Member

    That's because he thinks he's slumming by working with all the booriish and uncvilized Americans.
  5. Peggy calling the pompus Brit secretary "Moneypenny" was classic writing by Weiner ...
  6. Webster

    Webster Well-Known Member

    We have been told by friends over and over again to watch the show. So I ended up getting the first two seasons on DVD off of eBay about a month ago. However, I've been so insane at work and Mrs. W was away for a week so we didn't watch them yet.

    Last night, we started and loved it so much that we ended up watching the first 3 episodes (keeping me up way past my normal bedtime). I'm guessing that we'll try to get through the first season this week and the second season next week.
  7. Magic In The Night

    Magic In The Night Active Member

    The writing is fantastic.
  8. DanOregon

    DanOregon Well-Known Member

    Anybody else notice that the breaks to commercials seem really abrupt? It's like watching a theatrical movie edited for TV. Don't know if its just the way they make them or if AMC hacks them up to fit the breaks.
    Barely recognized the redneck guy from Generation Kill as Betty's brother.
  9. Ben_Hecht

    Ben_Hecht Active Member

    The 8/23 episode was one of the two best-written episodes in the history of the series. Epic -- and one to be cherished.
  10. Cosmo

    Cosmo Well-Known Member

    Yes, and after last week's opener was presented with "limited commercial interruption," we were getting breaks every six minutes in the last half hour last night. Ugh.

    Lots of subtle brilliance in this week's episode, I thought ... especially the scene with Gene pouring out the liquor bottles. Don's reaction was perfect, a deep look of "what the hell have I gotten myself into?" crossing his face. Also, his "why the hell did you even buy us?" comment to the new Brit boss was telling, mostly because he didn't have an answer. Peggy is fascinating, too, always testing lines, always trying to see how far she can go.
  11. JayFarrar

    JayFarrar Well-Known Member

    I've been watching the show in HD and I thought it was my TV, but does the show seem super saturated in red to anyone else?
    It isn't like the actors all have red faces or something, more the settings and backdrops.
  12. JR

    JR Well-Known Member

    Did anyone notice that Roger Sterling's daughter is scheduled to be married the day after Joh Kennedy's assassination?

    Great episode.
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