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Mad Men

Discussion in 'Anything goes' started by hondo, Aug 3, 2008.

  1. Bob Slydell

    Bob Slydell Active Member

    Four hour marathon 12-4 p.m. Sunday.
  2. Joe Williams

    Joe Williams Well-Known Member

    Don's line to Hilton that (paraphrased) "You didn't get to the Presidential Suite working for free" is one I hope to remember, when chislers try to get more work out of me for no more pay.

    Though I might lose more than a foot. :(
  3. andyouare?

    andyouare? Guest

    I didn't like it. It just seemed out of character with the show. I wouldn't say "jumped the shark", but for a show based on great writing and acting, that scene seemed out of place.
  4. Joe Williams

    Joe Williams Well-Known Member

    I suppose there will be further twists and turns, but I didn't like seeing the a) big shot from England get introduced AND zapped all in a span of a few minutes, removing him from pea-status under Don's mattress, and b) how swiftly opportunities open up for Draper and frustrations melt away -- at least professionally. I see what Peggy means: He gets whatever he wants and he has so much of it.
  5. The always underrated Pete Campbell also turned in one of the best bon mots: "One more promotion and we'll be secretaries" or something like that.

    It was easily the funniest episode I've seen, particularly the way Sterling walked into the office after the kid has his foot chopped off and was like "oh well, gonna go home and bang my hot-ass wife, enjoy the holiday you queasy pansies."

    I am wondering about Joan tho. She'll have to ask for her job back, right? Maybe she takes the spot of the girl who ran over Brit-boy's foot? Coming back is going to have to be very difficult for her to swallow.
  6. hondo

    hondo Well-Known Member

    She might have to do exactly that to get her old job back.
  7. bigblueman

    bigblueman Member

    "Guy walks into an advertising agency" was a great title, considering Guy didn't walk out. One of the things I've noticed, and I really like, about this show is they try to be historically accurate. If you all didn't catch the scene where they were buying the Dr Peppers in the hospital waiting room, listen to the sounds the jingling change makes. It sounded different in 1963 because coins were still made of silver, clad coins didn't come about until 1964.

    It was just one of the little things I remember about growing up would be my dad giving me the change out of his pockets, and it used to sound like that. Coins are something a lot of us don't carry around anymore.

    Just another random thought, I'm glad the power takeoff is now standard on all John Deere lawn tractors.
  8. Frank_Ridgeway

    Frank_Ridgeway Well-Known Member

    Yeah, it's rare when you catch a mistake, but they do make them. In the last episode, all the British dudes who wore striped ties were wearing American stripes and in his frst scene Ken Cosgrove was wearing British stripes (he wore an American tie the next day; Draper and Campbell wore U.S. stripes). British striped ties slope downward one way and American ties go the opposite way. And the reason for that is the British get pissy about it. To us, it's just a striped tie. To them, the patterns and colors designate belonging, or having once belonged, to a specific regiment, school or club and you are impersonating belonging by wearing that tie, sort of like a non-veteran putting on a military uniform. So American tie-makers slant the stripes the opposite way to avoid misunderstanding, but some Brits still feel we are plagiarizing their stripes. I doubt a British exec in the 1960s would have worn an American striped tie. Somebody in wardrobe fucked up.

  9. ifilus

    ifilus Well-Known Member

    And then there was the Dr. Pepper vending machine which, according to many, would not have actually been in a Manhattan hospital lobby in 1962.

  10. Cosmo

    Cosmo Well-Known Member

    Dr Pepper.
  11. Rockbottom

    Rockbottom Well-Known Member

    Outing alert: Cosmo works for the SEC!

  12. Ben_Hecht

    Ben_Hecht Active Member

    Correct, precise spelling, of course. Thanks.

    Looked a helluva lot like the dreaded Product Placement, to me. Show seems
    to have a lot of it . . . including the mixed-message John Deere exposure.
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