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Man card burning party, my house tonight!

Discussion in 'Anything goes' started by JayFarrar, Feb 15, 2008.

  1. Ace

    Ace Well-Known Member

    So when you get the test results back from the free clinic, are you going to get it on or what?
  2. I think the question everyone wants answered: 1 Did you superman da ho?

    1. Thanks to barsuk
  3. writing irish

    writing irish Active Member

    Did you eat tabasco-covered chicken vindaloo and sprinkle your five-o'clock shadow with cayenne-oil aftershave before munching down on her love shack?
  4. Chef

    Chef Active Member

    Jesus Crimonee.

    One of two things happened that Jay is not telling the rest of the class.

    1. The prescription for the testicles that Dr. Chef prescribed did not get filled in time.


    2. Jay did not heed Jones' "loaded gun" advice....she looks at him with the twinkle in her eye, and the gun fires off accidentally.

    Tears streaming down face!

    Fucking beautiful.
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