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McCain self-destructs on The Daily Show

Discussion in 'Anything goes' started by Point of Order, Apr 24, 2007.

  1. Football_Bat

    Football_Bat Well-Known Member

    Between McCain and Rudy ... ol' Huck's looking better and better.
  2. Bob Cook

    Bob Cook Active Member

    I'll play amateur psychologist and ask whether McCain is doing these Daily Show appearances out of some kind of self-hatred or self-destructive tendencies. What's interesting to me is he's debating like he doesn't really believe what he's saying. In a previous McCain appearance on TDS, he admitted, after Stewart pinned him on it, that he was saying some stuff just to appease the Republican base. You know, the ones that sunk his 2000 candidacy because they thought he had a black baby or something. Regarding Stewart, it's not that McCain DOESN'T know he's going to be grilled. (As Stewart noted, McCain has been the most frequent guest on TDS, with nine appearances.) He doesn't even get angry or jump on Stewart about his questioning.

    It's sad, really. McCain, despite stuff like, say, the Keating Five, seemed like he had the potential to be a good leader. Now he's operating out of the Dole '96 has-been manual.
  3. Yawn

    Yawn New Member

    After all, you're right. If Clinton/Gore can get eight years....anyone can.
  4. Flying Headbutt

    Flying Headbutt Moderator Staff Member

    I'll say, he came off much better last night than this thread hinted at. That's not to say his content wasn't coming up short, but the manner and his appearance were more assertive and confident than suggested. Then again, he and everyone else knows he's not getting a vote from Stewart, or anyone in Stewart's audience. But it's still good PR to at least show up.
  5. Point of Order

    Point of Order Active Member

    Please explain how it's good PR? How does it help him?
  6. zeke12

    zeke12 Guest

    He came off as a cliche-spouting lunatic.

    And Bob, you're exactly right.

    McCain will self-destruct, just blow up at some point, and I really think it's because deep down he loathes himself for his ambition and the things it has made him do.

    He hugged Bush on stage to become president. From everything that was ever published about the man before that, it wasn't a moment that can sit well with him. He will unconciously torpedo his own campaign. That, and second place does him no good. He ain't after the VP job. That's just the excuse a risk-taker needs to take even more risks.
  7. GB-Hack

    GB-Hack Active Member

    If anyone's interested in seeing this, the repeat of the show comes on at 2 p.m. EST on CC.
  8. Johnny Dangerously

    Johnny Dangerously Well-Known Member

    Show airing again now on Comedy Central.
  9. JackS

    JackS Member

    I don't know about that, but I do know that the one thing not touched on in this thread (from the same old crew) is how "O'Reilly-esque" Stewart was last night. And that's fine, because I like both O'Reilly and Stewart, but for different reasons. However, last night Jon's performance was a MIRROR of what Bill does--ranting and raving with no interest whatsoever in the guest's response. Jon would start ranting, McCain would get half a (cliche) sentence out, and Jon would start ranting again.

    I understand most of the peanut gallery around here sides with Stewart because they share ideologies, but I just don't want to hear what a windbag O'Reilly is anymore. The reason O'Reilly is hated is now even more clearly due to his (opposing) ideology, because Jon Stewart was every bit the windbag Bill O'Reilly ever was last night.
  10. outofplace

    outofplace Well-Known Member

    Is O'Reilly ever not a windbag?

    Stewart actually has some other clubs in the bag. That makes a difference.
  11. JackS

    JackS Member

    Sometimes O'Reilly is not a windbag.
  12. shotglass

    shotglass Guest

    Um ... OK. ::)
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