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Meanwhile on the International front....

Discussion in 'Sports and News' started by DanOregon, Apr 28, 2023.

  1. Azrael

    Azrael Well-Known Member

  2. Regan MacNeil

    Regan MacNeil Well-Known Member

    You mean to say one of the world's foremost intelligence services might be running a media psy-op? NO WAY!
    2muchcoffeeman likes this.
  3. The Big Ragu

    The Big Ragu Moderator Staff Member

    Take for example the explosion at the Al-Ahli Arab Hospital. Hamas quickly blamed the Israelis, and the Israelis quickly blamed Hamas. Israel even released a video purporting to prove the strike was a result of a malfunctioning Palestinian rocket only for the New York Times to discredit the video based on analysis of the video's time stamp. False assertions flew on the internet from deep benches of supporters. Evidence now seems increasingly in favor of a failed Palestinian rocket, but it was obvious that few waited to confirm facts.
    Azrael likes this.
  4. Azrael

    Azrael Well-Known Member


    That's why I posted it. Both sides here are engaged in elaborate campaigns of mis/disinformation. All of which is now accelerated by social media.

    The first casualty of war is truth.
  5. Spartan Squad

    Spartan Squad Well-Known Member

    The ironic thing was you posting a fingers in the ear picture to respond to someone when anytime someone responds to you unless it is to completely agree with you, you ignore it because we don't consider your every punctuation mark in our response.

    And comparing a contemporary war with another contemporary war that has been going on longer is completely fair game considering both have:
    • At least one side indiscriminately targeting civilians
    • Journalists who are covering the conflict
    • Journalists that have died in the conflict
    • Have large numbers of casualties
    • Have reporting outlets directly linked to one side or the other.
    2muchcoffeeman likes this.
  6. The Big Ragu

    The Big Ragu Moderator Staff Member

    Except, "both sides" statements are usuall yweak sauce. You know what? Joe Biden is full of shit. It doesn't mean that he's the same as Donald Trump, who brings full of shit to a whole other level. Nobody who despises Donald Trump would strain to equivocate in a discussion of them or do a "both sides" argument that puts them on the same plane.
  7. Azrael

    Azrael Well-Known Member

    No one is straining here but you. And no one is making a false moral equivalency argument.

    Just accept that the official IDF version of events isn't always the truth, either.
  8. The Big Ragu

    The Big Ragu Moderator Staff Member

    No one is straining? Really?

    First, of course what the IDF says (or what some loon politician in Israel may say) doesn't necessarily represent an objective truth.

    Second, that hospital bombing at the end of October was pretty instructive. Immediately, you had protestors out there (and people on this thread) and social media lighting up with the loudest elements out there branding the Israelis war criminals. No interest in what the objective truth was. People have taken sides with the same wrong-headed oppressor / oppressed nonsense that drives a lot of protest behavior nowadays, and it has been a barrage of, "Israelis = apartheid (which is nonsense), war criminals, genocide! ... Palestinians = oppressed by them."

    And to me, that is complete bizarro world, because there is still a “big picture” (whatever propaganda wars are being fought to shape the narrative of the brutality of Israel's response) that begins with the Arabs in the Gaza Strip refusing to accept Israel’s existence and a terrorist group that was responsible for October 7, and by every opinion poll there is overwhelmingly represents the attitudes of the people in the Gaza Strip.
    Last edited: Jan 11, 2024
  9. Azrael

    Azrael Well-Known Member

    "No one is straining here but you."

    is = right now

    here = this thread

    I'm happy to stipulate going forward that Hamas is monstrous and cruel and deplorable. Contemptible and utterly untrustworthy. Also completely entangled in the entirety of Gaza, making it nearly impossible to identify and fight without terrible collateral damage.

    What I ask in return is we not revisit the entire history of Israel every time someone raises a question about something that happened the night before last.

    This is what I meant the other day when I said lots of the arguments here default to a generic "Israel has the right to defend itself." Of course it does. Of course it does. Also stipulated

    Again, the question is "how?"
    2muchcoffeeman likes this.
  10. The Big Ragu

    The Big Ragu Moderator Staff Member

  11. Neutral Corner

    Neutral Corner Well-Known Member

  12. Neutral Corner

    Neutral Corner Well-Known Member

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