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Meet the Press (Senate debate series)

Discussion in 'Anything goes' started by Killick, Oct 1, 2006.

  1. D-Backs Hack

    D-Backs Hack Guest

    Gee, I don't know where I could have gotten that impression. Hmmm, let's see:

    It's simple, really.

    You've tried to make a stupid-ass argument, gotten called on it, and think the only way to save face is to keep digging. This is not really a new experience for you.

    One last time: politicians of both parties visit newspaper editorial boards often. And they shake hands and get thank-yous and well-wishes -- nothing more -- while they are there. Why this is so hard for you to fathom, and why you think this is so wrong, is beyond me.
  2. Gold

    Gold Active Member

    That should be exactly what you would expect, given the way pay is distributed. If journalists made what higher-paid engineers made coming out of college, you would see fewer liberals. Also, if you compare what journalists make to what teachers make, you will find that with journalists, a few people make a lot of money while the bulk of journalists have really low salaries. With teachers, there are a lot more people at the higher end of the pay scale.

    People who tend toward lower incomes are a lot less likely to support conservative poltiicans who support the status quo, oppose minimum wage increases, and are like the sort of management systems in place in most newspapers. Even after journalists make decent money, a lot of people remember how things were. Teachers support their unions because that gives them better pay.
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