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Merged: The Imus threads

Discussion in 'Journalism topics only' started by SheaSeals, Apr 11, 2007.

  1. shockey

    shockey Active Member

    any word on who the ghost-writer is?
  2. So fucking what?
    Imus got what was coming to him.
    She's going to write a book.
  3. zagoshe

    zagoshe Well-Known Member

    I'm sure being as enlightened as she is she will donate all the proceeds to the rainbow coalition as well as shelters for abused women.

    She certainly isn't an opportunist like the greedy capitalistic white male coaches, she cares dammit.
  4. knowledge54

    knowledge54 New Member

    That guy is the dumbest person I've came in contact with in a real long time. People left and right are trying to school him and it's of no use. I give up.
  5. zagoshe

    zagoshe Well-Known Member

    No Knowledge, a more accurate people from the left are trying to justify their ridiculous rationalizations of a double standard that must be eradicated before we can move forward in race relations. You on the other hand are still pounding a table somewhere demanding Imus should be fired because he's mean.....

    And to quote the great Gunnery Sgt. Tom Highway "with all due respect you are beginning to bore the hell out of me."
  6. knowledge54

    knowledge54 New Member

    You're dumb as fuck man, and it's becoming obvious that you aren't even reading the replies. You're just arguing for the sake of arguing. I mean seriously, what is your problem?
  7. zagoshe

    zagoshe Well-Known Member

    You're dumb as Fuck. What is your problem?

    See I can also do that.

    That doesn't change the fact that you are still trying to rationalize a double standard and rather than acknowledge that, you are continually trying to paint me as an Imus defender, which I have never been.
  8. knowledge54

    knowledge54 New Member

    I didn't just call you dumb tho, I gave you a clear example of why you're dumb. You're the type of nitwit who has to make up some fake premise to argue against because you just aren't that bright. You accused me of demanding that Imus be fired when I made it more than clear that I didn't care if he lost his job or not. You accused me of trying to rationalize some double standard, when the only thing I've done is try to explain to your dumbass why it exists. I gave you an explanation not a rationalization, obviously you don't know the difference between the 2 words.

    Defending Imus is the only thing that you have done in this thread. When you say that Imus should not have been fired, that's an attempt to defend him. When you try to equate what he said with what rappers and comedians say, that's an attempt to defend him. When you claimed that his comments were not mean-spirited, that's an attempt to defend him. When you try to make this situation all about the hypocrisy of the left wing and black people playing the "victim" card, that's an attempt to defend him. You have trashed everybody but Imus in this thread, and you can't deny that because your posts are still there.
  9. sportschick

    sportschick Active Member

  10. s'chick --
    No thanks.
    I'm staying at the Holiday Inn down the road.
  11. zagoshe

    zagoshe Well-Known Member

    Knowledge -- Are you going to march to have Simon from American Idol fired because he rolled his eyes when one of the contestants started waxing poetic about praying for Virginia Tech victims........I mean, after all the contestant called Simon's gesture "sad and hurtful" and you seem to be a bed wetter who thinks every time someone is offended the head should roll of the person that offends them......

    And by the way, the fact that this American Idol/Simon rolled his eyes and is a meanie story is even a story -- and the fact that Fox has already felt the need to do damage control and issue an apology on the American Idol web-site is more evidence to exactly what I said at the start of this all and that is we've become a nation of fucking babies.

    My God, now we've gone beyond words - apparently facial expressions that are deemed offensive can get you labeled bigoted and/or mean spirited.
  12. Elliotte Friedman

    Elliotte Friedman Moderator Staff Member

    Knowledge & zagoshe,

    You want to continue debating -- fine. But enough with the personal attacks and the language or it's all over.
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