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Mets getting a crack at Matsuzaka?

Discussion in 'Sports and News' started by thebiglead, Dec 11, 2006.

  1. indiansnetwork

    indiansnetwork Active Member

    Ok, I got the years wrong but apparently there are incentives or clauses which can increase the deal to six years 60 million. But as I said the basic deal is between 8-9 million per season with incentives.
  2. outofplace

    outofplace Well-Known Member

    But I thought the Red Sox couldn't possibly get the deal done the way they were approaching it? What happened? :)
  3. spnited

    spnited Active Member

    Please cite exactly where I said that, douchebag!
  4. BYH

    BYH Active Member

    Yeah the deal was only twice as long as you said it was. Real close.

    Do you give directions like this?

    "Well I only got you halfway here, but the basic instructions were right."

  5. HoopsMcCann

    HoopsMcCann Active Member

  6. indiansnetwork

    indiansnetwork Active Member

    I guess you would give directions pretty bad as well.
    Where is Fenway Park?
    BYH (answer) in Boston MA
  7. outofplace

    outofplace Well-Known Member

    spnited, I'm quoting this in response to your last post. It sure sounded to me like you thought they were taking an approach that wouldn't work.

    Lighten up, will ya? It's just a little good-natured message board ribbing.
  8. cranberry

    cranberry Well-Known Member

    Yeah, Schmidt's a great comparision if you want to compare Zito to someone who's five years older, right-handed, has a significant injury history and reduced his leverage by limiting his market to West Coast teams. Still, Schmidt got three years/$47 million. Zito will get more years and more dollars.
  9. outofplace

    outofplace Well-Known Member

    Schmidt is still a better comparison than Matsuzaka, who wasn't a true free agent, or Meche and Lilly, who aren't in Zito's class.

    No matter what he said, the bidding on Schmidt was not limited to West Coast teams.

    I agree that Zito will get more years. He is younger and he has no history of arm problems. That is why Schmidt only got three years.

    But I think the annual salary is where these two compare because Schmidt was better in 2006, better on average over the past three seasons and he doesn't have the same negative trend in his numbers that Zito does.

    Over the next five years, I'd rather have Zito. But for 2007, I'd rather have Schmidt.
  10. Football_Bat

    Football_Bat Well-Known Member

    I found out something today: His first name (Daisuke) is pronounced "Dice-Kay." Which sounds like "Dice Clay."

    Hickory dickory dock ....
  11. Lester Bangs

    Lester Bangs Active Member

    Those who said the Sox were approaching this from an untenable position, lowballing and acting in bad faith (yadda, yadda, yadda) may have been right (just because it's impossible to say they are wrong in any official sense), but Epstein and Co. ultimately proved to have more staying power and pretty much got the deal they wanted. They win ... as long as this guy's not a stiff. But anybody who thought this kid should get $12-15 million annually were drinking Boras' Kool-Aid by the gallon.
  12. cranberry

    cranberry Well-Known Member

    I realize Baltimore put in a bid (3/$48 million) but Schmidt had made it clear he wasn't interested in the East Coast, which kept the Yankees, Mets and Boston from entering the fray and driving the number even higher.
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