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"Moment of Truth" on Fox

Discussion in 'Anything goes' started by imjustagirl2, Jan 23, 2008.

  1. alleyallen

    alleyallen Guest

    What would happen to the women? Nipple tweak?
  2. Rumpleforeskin

    Rumpleforeskin Active Member

    I didn't quite think about that. Maybe a good punch to the ovaries? Right in the babymaker? [/Anchorman]
  3. imjustagirl2

    imjustagirl2 New Member

    Maybe the women have to date one of the male contestants. They'd be a good fit for each other.
  4. playthrough

    playthrough Moderator Staff Member

    The casting for this show so far has been flawless: a former pro athlete, a heavy gambler and a beauty pageant contestant.

    No elementary school teachers need apply.
  5. Rumpleforeskin

    Rumpleforeskin Active Member

    I am waiting for this exchange in "Moment of Truth."

    Host: Bill, we have a special guest to ask the next question.

    Monica Lewinsky comes walking out.

    Monica: Did you ever cheat on your wife with someone from your job?
    Bill: Umm...
  6. Cansportschick

    Cansportschick Active Member

    I missed the show last night...curious as to how that first guy did (the guy from last week).
  7. Rusty Shackleford

    Rusty Shackleford Active Member

    I watched this show for the first time last night and it pissed me off. Not because of anything about the show's content, but it seems like the producers of this show couldn't pull off a cable access Christian show without fucking it up.

    First, I enjoy the premise of the show. People making fools of themselves, risking important relationships for money -- that's TV gold.

    But the production is shit. I mean, if the contestant is asked a question and gives the answer that is obviously the most embarrassing, it's clear he's telling the truth. We don't need 10 seconds of shots of people going "Ohhhh" as the music builds -- if he was lying, he'd have taken the convenient answer. Just get on with it already.

    Second, it's too slow paced. Too much downtime. They've taken the wrong page from the American Gladiators school of 'Boring, pointless interviews before and after each segment that do nothing but piss off viewers and waste time to fill the hour.' This should be a half hour show or they should get through more questions in an hour. If somebody has an interesting response, let's hear it, but we don't need the dramatic pause when the model has to admit her mom is overweight, while her mom sits there going 'yeah, i am.'

    And finally, although this isn't really a complaint -- why do the contestant's friends/family have to touch the head of a giant glowing penis when they want a new question asked? Thing is, I can't decide if the set designers are brilliant for coming up with that, or if they're the retarded younger siblings of the moron producers of the show.
  8. mike311gd

    mike311gd Active Member

    From the sounds of things, I could win this show easily.
  9. ArnoldBabar

    ArnoldBabar Active Member

    Agree on every point. Good idea, horrible execution. It's not like they're giving away serious money on this show, so why not pick up the pace and keep it interesting?

    And just to be catty, damn, HD is not kind to supposed Miss America contestants.
  10. playthrough

    playthrough Moderator Staff Member

    This show, like Deal or No Deal or just about any of the other new game shows, is unwatchable unless it's DVR'ed. Save yourself the commercials, pregnant pauses and dumb chitchat and you can watch an hour show in 15-20 min.
  11. Mizzougrad96

    Mizzougrad96 Active Member

    I think they sped up the pace considerably from the first show...

    Until they get to the point where family members are jumping up to hit the "don't answer" button or people are walking away rather than answering, it will be a disappointment.

    If, "I think I'm better looking than my sister..." is supposed to make people ooh and aah, that's pretty tame.
  12. Update!

    This ought to help ratings... Springer style!

    The wife of a New York City cop who admitted to cheating on him and wanting to be married to another man on Monday's episode of Fox's "The Moment of Truth" says she did it for fame and fortune.
    But Lauren Cleri, 26, and her husband, NYPD Officer Frank Cleri, 24, came away from the show with no prize money, no immediate job offers for her and a possible divorce in the future after being eliminated when a polygraph detected a "fib."
    "We're kind of up in the air right now — I want to [get back together], but I don't think he does," Lauren Cleri told the New York Post.
    "It's not very easy to overcome," Frank Cleri, a cop with the 48th Precinct in The Bronx, told the Post.
    Frank Cleri said he had been aware of his wife's cheating but was not prepared to go public with it for the money.
    The pair said they had planned to share any money she won.
    On the show, contestants are hooked up to polygraphs and can be eliminated if a lie is detected. Cleri's alarm went off after she answered "yes" when asked if she believed she is a good person.
    According to the show's Web site, contestants "answer 21 increasingly personal questions honestly, as determined by a polygraph, and win up to $500,000."
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