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Discussion in 'Journalism topics only' started by Left_Coast, Nov 3, 2006.

  1. MMatt60

    MMatt60 Member

    Any more departures today in NorCal?
  2. joe

    joe Active Member

    First appearance of the joe pipeline says 31 cuts across Daily Bulletin, San Berdoo, San Gabe and Redlands. Word is 11 of them came from the San Berdoo Sun.

    Fucking blood in the streets in the Inland Valley and elsewhere across SoCal.
  3. MileHigh

    MileHigh Moderator Staff Member

    Hearing the same thing. Incredibly sad. I still knows lots of people there and know of at least one who didn't make it, someone who I owe a huge debt to in terms of my career.
  4. MileHigh

    MileHigh Moderator Staff Member

    Tomorrow at San Jose. Folks have been told to sit by their phones. If they don't get a call before 10 a.m., then they can come into work.
  5. Editude

    Editude Active Member

    Bad times in Redlands, S.B. and Ontario. Each used to be distinctive products (and areas) that served specific audiences.
  6. Joe Williams

    Joe Williams Well-Known Member

    There it is, the moral of this horsebleep story.

    By shedding journalists who know their audience/communities and whose bylines are known by the readers, nimrod bosses and owners are telling their (ugh) "customers" that the product is more dispensable now than it was a month or a year ago. Then they're scratching their heads wondering where the people went.
  7. Appgrad05

    Appgrad05 Active Member

    A former employee at my shop went to the cluster. He's since moved on, but this is very sad news for all involved.
  8. DanOregon

    DanOregon Well-Known Member

    At this point, who is better off, those still at those papers or those let go? I know it sucks. I've seen a paper shut its doors and seen papers that appear to be in hospice - I just don't see a way back. Each week it seems, already precious newshole it taken up with an editor's note about changing figurations and features to better serve investors, I mean readers. Reading newspapers today is like watching Unitas play for the Chargers and Mays play for the Mets. It's just plain sad and you'd like to see them go out with some dignity.
    The role of the newspaper will be taken up by some smart person who is able to figure out a way to channel specific news to specific readers that are served by specific advertisers, but I really, really doubt it will be by the current leadership running newspapers.
  9. Gold

    Gold Active Member

    With these cutbacks, it almost seems like they will close the sports section. What is left to cut?
  10. MileHigh

    MileHigh Moderator Staff Member

    My understanding there are nine people left in sports to put out Ontario/San Bernardino.
  11. Moderator1

    Moderator1 Moderator Staff Member

    Some of this is probably a repeat, sorry for the within thread D_B. Trying to sort it all out and not throw shit in anger at what is going on out there:

    31's the magic number. That's across the board -- all got hit. 11 from San Berdoo, 7 from Ontario, 10 from San Gabriel and 3 from Redlands.

    No buyouts. Straight cuts -- but they all got severance packages similar to the buyouts offered to the Daily News people last week.

    From San Bernardino, recent cuts included 6 in Metro, 3 in Sports -- Paul Oberjuerge, a 32-year vet (including 23 as SE here; now the main sports columnist); a full-time desker and a part-time agate clerk -- plus 2 photogs.

    San Bernardino is down to 9 full time -- from 16 three years ago. Do the math. About half the staff now gone in three years.
    Don't know much about Ontario.

    Big hit in San Gabe was executive editor, O'Sullivan. Redlands also lost its editor. So it wasn't just the part-timers, like it was last week when the L.A. Daily News got hit.

    Lord. What a fucking business.
  12. suburbia

    suburbia Active Member

    But by then, the Singletons and Jelenics of the world have further fattened their personal bank accounts. Which is all this is really about, anyway.
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