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More from Lean Dean

Discussion in 'Journalism topics only' started by Left_Coast, Nov 3, 2006.

  1. MileHigh

    MileHigh Moderator Staff Member

    And San Bernardino's cut in sports down to nine includes putting out TWO sections. They put out the Ontario section there as well.

    No doubt, a clear bloodletting. And the dropping of Oberjuerge is a complete and utter joke and disaster. It's clear that all that matters is what you make on your pay stub, not the work you put in. And the work Paulo put in on a daily basis not only was the best for San Bernardino, but all of LANG.
  2. Definite Article

    Definite Article New Member

    From what I hear, BANG-East Bay (the CC Times, Oakland Trib and various weeklies) accepted 107 buyouts. They'll be able to avoid layoffs, which is good news, all things considered. Of the 107, I think half of that number are actually newsroom employees. Five guys in sports - three prep writers, a copy editor and I'm unsure of the fifth.
  3. robo

    robo New Member

    The cuts in the IE is obviously not about journalism but about money. We all use to say we had ink running in our veins and if you knew Paul Oberjuerge -- whether you liked him or not -- the one thing was obvious the guy cared about journalism and putting out as great a section he could despite the lack of resources. It's apparent Lean Dean doesn't have any blood because he certainly doesn't have a heart for journallism.
  4. MileHigh

    MileHigh Moderator Staff Member

    Meanwhile ...

    Mandatory meeting at San Gabriel today.


    And 50 job cuts in San Jose.


    And MediaNews' credit rating gets cut for the second time in a week.

  5. Angola!

    Angola! Guest

    Is this just the stock paragraph that all newspapers put in their stories to try to justify the cuts?

  6. poindexter

    poindexter Well-Known Member

    The Press Telegram: We're Here to Stay!

  7. Angola!

    Angola! Guest

    Wow, the person that wrote that deserves to have very bad things done to them.
    What a fuckwad.
  8. Joe Williams

    Joe Williams Well-Known Member

    This actually is worse than the stock paragraphs that have appeared elsewhere. Now all of a sudden, the "recession" is getting blamed, even though most businesses are not shedding employees due to it. Be honest, you fuckers! At least acknowledge that it is a reaction to declining readership, along with the loss of advertising revenues.

    Yeah, it's the recession's fault that Singleton and Tribune Co. and others have been slashing for years.

    Of course, when this crap appears in actual stories aimed at readers, the bullshit-slinging bosses don't want the eyes of current readers to fall on a phrase like "declining readership." Might light a bulb above the current readers' heads.
  9. Birdscribe

    Birdscribe Active Member

    An absolute abomination. PaulO was one of the few reasons to read that paper. Institutional knowledge, a command of the area beyond anyone at that paper, the ability to get to the nuts of any issue affecting teams and players and a way to convey it to readers.

    Yep, it was all there. Not anymore.

    I would venture to guess -- and some of the Berdoo alums-alumni can chime in here -- that this may be the suits' way of getting back at Paul for covering things in Los Angeles. You see, even though there are plenty of commuters from the Inland Empire who actually care about Los Angeles sports and athletes, they can't have someone from the provinces venturing out of his cage.

    There are other columnists at LANG who should be looking for a job today. PaulO isn't one of them.
  10. robo

    robo New Member

    Very few columnists had the talent to do what PaulO did -- he localized national coverage; he tutored the young, aspiring journalists, he worked harder than anyone on his staff when he was SE and didn't expect someone on his staff do something that he himself wouldn't do. He worked his days off if a story broke -- be it national or local to make sure the Sun didn't get beat and got it right. He put off going on vacation. He guided the staff, he is one of the best managers of people. As a columnist he wasn't afraid to take the unpopular opinion and defend it well. He wasn't afraid of writing his opinion and often wrote what others would only whisper about while he had the balls to put it in black and white. Some love him; Some hate him; But everyone read him. He was the face of Sun Sports. Hopefully he lands in So Cal where we can still read him.
  11. Tom Petty

    Tom Petty Guest

    yes, a true ass puppet.
  12. Gold

    Gold Active Member


    I don't think there was a specific problem about covering LA events, because Paul still did stuff about local San Bernardino county things. It's just a case of getting rid of an experienced person who has an income which is higher than that of a teacher.

    It is hard to overstate the loss to local sports this will have. Good Luck, Paul O... may you land on your feet.
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