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More from Lean Dean

Discussion in 'Journalism topics only' started by Left_Coast, Nov 3, 2006.

  1. buckweaver

    buckweaver Active Member

    I can confirm this.
  2. Birdscribe

    Birdscribe Active Member

    That makes two very talented columnists who have been run off/laid off in the last five years for your IE Singleton properties.

    Aside from Oberjuerge (a fellow JEOPARDY champ, BTW), the talented, good guy that is Paul Helms left for the Cal Poly Pomona SID gig. He's now at Cal State LA, with former Sun copy editor/golf writer Mark Reinhiller continuing the exodus and taking his place at CPP.

    On top of being a class act, Helms was a damn good voice for Inland Valley sports for several years.

    Aside from PaulO, I do feel bad for Louie Brewster. PaulO's analogy in his blog was quite apt. Louie must feel like Capt. Edward Smith going down on the Titanic.
  3. Piotr Rasputin

    Piotr Rasputin New Member

    So I was reading SportsJournalists.com, and saw a hilarious post by poin (Teacher-Student) dexter . . then buck (baseball savant) weaver joined in and Bird (on the wing) Scribe added his own unique verve to the situation . . . .

    I continue to be baffled by the inexorable passing of time, which continues no matter how many trips to Europe I take . . . .

    At the Sports and News board, was reading a thread about prostitution when The Good (And Sensitive) Doctor talked about how prostitution is about subjugating women . . . .

    Sanity was restored by (Contact) sportschick, who I would agree with about anything as long as it involved seeing those shining eyes of hers . . . .

    Days like these remind me of the old days at sportspages.com, that glorious time when I used to see standup people like Anon 3:17 at Sully's watering hole on fifth street . . . . .

    What kind of a world do we live in where people no longer talk about things that happened 30 years ago?
  4. poindexter

    poindexter Well-Known Member

    I'm stunned by the beauty of the raven-haired hostess Suzy Luskin, a junior at Cal State Long Beach, who works weeknights at O'Malley's. Alas, she won't give her digits to a guy whom she's nicknamed, "Grandpa".
  5. MileHigh

    MileHigh Moderator Staff Member

    Let's be clear: Paulo was not run off because he wrote too much on L.A. stuff. It was strictly because of salary -- and Lambert had it in for him. Paulo wrote L.A. stuff, yes, but he also wrote LOTS of I.E. stuff. And blogged on I.E. stuff.

    He wrote it himself: The day he got fired, he was in the process of writing a column about Doug Markham, about as local and I.E. as you can get (other than Dick Bruich).
  6. MileHigh

    MileHigh Moderator Staff Member

    Actually, Paulo was NOT a Jeopardy champ, but a participant. Finished second. Still kicks himself to this day because he missed a sports question that messed him up.
  7. buckweaver

    buckweaver Active Member

    Let's be clearer: If salary was anywhere near the top of the list of reasons for these layoffs, the names on the list would have been a lot different. No. 3 on your list was No. 1, period.

    There were too many part-timers let go, both at LADN the week before and at ours last week, and too many not-making-as-much-as-some-others-in-similar-roles for salary to be the reason. PaulO was not let go because of how much money he made. End of story.
  8. Screwball

    Screwball Active Member

    The firing gives the lie to the LOCAL, LOCAL mantra Singleton and his people holler.

    No one is more local than Paul O on the Inland Empire.
  9. Birdscribe

    Birdscribe Active Member

    I thought he won a game, then blew the Super Bowl question?
  10. MileHigh

    MileHigh Moderator Staff Member

    Nope. One show and done.
  11. Tripp McNeely

    Tripp McNeely Member

    Brilliant work by the both of you guys. :)
  12. Tucsondriver

    Tucsondriver Member

    Lean Dean strikes again, and this one is a blockbuster. LA Observed reports editor in chief Ron Kaye will be ousted as soon as today and will be replaced by unnamed NorCal editor in move orchestrated by former DN editor David Butler. Butler is the new SJ Merc editor, but LAO suggests he's Singleton's California Empire shotcaller.
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