How on Earth is the Moon landing not on this list?? I understand it's a poll taken from a contemporary audience and whatnot, but the Moon landing should default right to the top just on sheer historical importance! I don't mean to play down the significance of certain events to people today, but the reality is that in 100 years, nobody is going to care about presidential assassinations or terrorist attacks - They're going to look back and say "This is the era that mankind went from the sea to the Moon. I wish I had been alive then to see it."
I'm sure John Wilkes Booth, were he alive, would be glad to hear that no one remembers him or cares about what he did.
Sports-wise, one of the events I really remember distinctly was the Pacers-Pistons brawl. I had covered a game on a Friday night, and came home at about midnight or so. My fiancee was asleep on the couch, and I flipped over to ESPN to watch SportsCenter. The game was on instead, and I thought, "Oh, they must be replaying this game for some reason." So there's a hard foul and some shit-talking, and I leap up to run to the bathroom during the free throws so that I can get back in my seat for the last few seconds of action. All of a sudden I hear, "Oh, my God! Ron Artest is going into the crowd! What's he doing!??!!" And the next 20 minutes probably had me riveted to my TV set more than any TV event since 9/11. Other sports moments that I really remember distinctly, in no particular order: (1) Paul Konerko's World Series grand slam. (2) Super Bowl XX (3) Watching the end of the Bulls 1991 championship on a little hand held after my Little League game (4) Keith Smart's shot against Syracuse (5) Jordan over Bryon Russell (6) Scott Podsednik's World Series walk-off (7) Through Bill Buckner's legs (8) Kirk Gibson's home run (9) Game 7 of the 1991 World Series (10) Notre Dame 31, Miami 30 in 1988 (11) Penn State over Miami in the Fiesta Bowl (12) Notre Dame-Florida State "Game of the Century" (13) Bryce Drew's shot against Ole Miss (14) Magic's HIV announcement (15) Ryan Braun's failed drug test breaking news (16) Indiana over Kentucky this year (17) Patrick Kane ending Game 4 against the Flyers (18) Michael Phelps barely winning that race in the last Olympics (19) Kerri Strug (20) Tiger's ball sitting on the edge of the cup and then falling in (21) 1997 Masters on Sunday (22) Tom Watson almost winning the British at 60 (23) The huge U.S. Ryder Cup comeback in 2000
I would think 4/4/68 has to be on the list. I wasn't alive for another 2 years (exactly -- I was born 4/4/70) but I have to imagine it was something people would remember. It was announced at night (the shooting was at 6) when a lot of people would be watching and I know they broke into regular programming -- I've seen the footage.]
I was in a car with my parents so heard it on the radio. I don't remember any TV coverage. I don't have memories of Bobby Kennedy's assassination, either, which surprises me. My sister and older brother were in college then so there was much political talk in the house that I tried to follow. I know I wore the Gene McCarthy for President button my brother gave me! From same time period, I remember watching the draft lottery numbers being announced because my brother was draft age but I don't remember the date.
Those that I personally remember in no particular order: 1) 9/11 2) OKC bombing 3) Challenger crash 4) Obama's Election Night 5) Pete Rose passing Ty Cobb 6) Election Night 2000 7) Death of Michael Jackson 8) Death of Princess Di 9) Conclusion of the Waco Siege 10) Chinese Revolting in 1989
I was only 9 at the time, so I don't know just how impactful it was, but I remember my mother watching with great interest Oliver North give his Iran-Contra Affair testimony on live TV. Doubt it makes the list, though.
The one that always sticks out to me that isn't on here is the Anita Hill-Clarence Thomas hearings. "Who has put pubic hair on my Coke?" That was some crazy shit.