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Most overrated actor ever

Discussion in 'Anything goes' started by Columbo, Jul 16, 2006.

  1. Double J

    Double J Active Member

    Reminds me of Michael Caine, who has cheerfully admitted to doing what he equates to mercenary work, just for the money.

    "I have never seen it but, by all accounts, it is terrible," he famously said of "Jaws: The Revenge."

    "However, I have seen the house that it built, and it is terrific."

    How can you not love a guy with an attitude like that? I'm not saying I could emulate it, but I sure as hell admire it.
  2. MCbamr

    MCbamr Member

    Hanks is a good comedian but can't act. He wins awards because his peers like him. Talking to a soccer ball for two hours is not acting, particularly when the soccer ball has better range. Letting Denzel Washington act his heart out for two hours and then drawing a standing O and getting an Oscar for mumbling "I have AIDS" isn't acting. Shaving your head isn't acting.
    On the other hand, I could watch The Burbs every day. Very funny.
  3. Columbo

    Columbo Active Member

    It's allegorical.... they're righting a wrong, and righting a left.
  4. Ace

    Ace Well-Known Member

    I thought Wilson was a volleyball!
  5. outofplace

    outofplace Well-Known Member

    Read the book. No stupid little kid. It's a scumbag reporter that tells Chapel he's traded because the owners don't have the balls to do it. The love interest sounds like a woman any man would want, not some whiny single mom.

    And Billy Chapel is an innocent, overgrown kid rather than a self-centered prick.

    I think I need to dig out my dog-eared copy and read it again now.
  6. Modern day - Dustin Hoffman is awful. I can't believe the people bashing Pachino yet Hoffman gets a free ride?

    All-time Rock Hudson was just awful. People are afraid to knock him now because they are afraid that they'll come off as homophobic but his acting was just AWFUL.

    Don Johnson should also get mention. I think Ben Affleck studied at the Don Johnson school of Acting.
  7. Beef03

    Beef03 Active Member

    The thing about Ben Aflek - and he more than deserves the bashing he is receiving - is that he has made a couple of pretty good films. Good WIll Hunting has already been mentioned, and I thought he gave a solid performance in Sum of all Fears. Not defending the guy, just a credit where credit is due kind of deal.
  8. Ace

    Ace Well-Known Member

    Yeah but Afflek seems to have proven that he is neither a movie star nor an actor.

    In Good Will Hunting he had a supporting part playing himself. Most folks could handle that.
  9. Buck

    Buck Well-Known Member

    In addition to the movies already mentioned, Nick Cage was good in 'The Weather Man' and very good in 'Adaptation.'
    I haven't liked an Al Pacino or Dustin Hoffman performance in a long time.
  10. LiveStrong

    LiveStrong Active Member

    thought he was especially fantastic in adaptation.
  11. Columbo

    Columbo Active Member

    Hoffman had a couple dominant performances in the 1980s.

    Not Pacino.

    Hoffman has been crap since Rainman, but at least he, like De Niro, cam be funny in a film.

    I haven't ever seen Pacino pull that off.
  12. Gold

    Gold Active Member

    William Shatner... the worst actor ever. His daughter was a better actor in a car commercial and his wife was a better actor is a Promise margarine commercial.

    He overacted in Star Trek, but he was bad in just about everything he has ever been in. He was awful in TJ Hooker in the 70s or 80s; he was awful on the Twilight Zone episode in the late 50s or early 60s; he was awful in the Star Trek movies. He was awful on the commercials.

    The fact that this guy gets work makes him the all-time overrated actor in history.
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