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Movie scenes that make you cry

Discussion in 'Anything goes' started by Evil ... Thy name is Orville Redenbacher!!, Aug 29, 2007.

  1. Tom Petty

    Tom Petty Guest

    sweet. thanks for coming around, kg. ;)
  2. KG

    KG Active Member

    Anytime... ;)

    The problem is, I think there have been a few since that one, so I might be taken again.
  3. Couple more I thought of [and they may have been mentioned by others already, but I'm not reading the whole Thordamned thread to see if they are):
    End of Shane
    End of Disney's Pinocchio when Geppetto thinks Pinocchio is dead and then the puppet comes back to life as a real boy.

    The first movie I can remember seeing made me cry. My mom took me to see The Hiding Place when I was four or five years old. The main character [the film is based on a true story] is in a Nazi concentration camp as is most of her family. One of her sister's has become very ill and is in some sort of infirmary. Each morning the main character passes the infirmary and wipes the fog off one of the windows and waves at her sister. One morning she wipes the fog away and discovers that her sister's bed is empty.

    While on the subject of concentration camp flicks...Life is Beautiful makes me cry like a five year old that skinned its knee roller skating.

    TV category: The episode of Freaks and Geeks in which Millie's dog is killed. The scene where she's coming out of the school office after being told that Goliath is dead always makes me tear up.
  4. Beaker

    Beaker Active Member

    Another one for me that I don't think has been mentioned is In America, a film out a few years ago about an Irish immigrant family in New York. It was actually nominated for a couple oscars. There are about three places in the film-especially near the end that always seem to get me misty.
  5. Tom Petty

    Tom Petty Guest

    if you feel weak, please just post ... we'll all help you through it.
  6. alleyallen

    alleyallen Guest

    Other additions for me:

    1. The end of Apollo 13, when they finally break through the radio blackout. My dad was working for a radio station covering that at JSC and he told me it was an incredible moment.

    2. A little-seen movie called Creator, with Virginia Madsen and Vincent Spano. She's in a coma and her parents are about to pull the life support plug, when the boyfriend manages to save her. A bit cheesy for some, but still moving.
  7. How in god's name did I forget this one?

    (Two guys on a pier)

    "Is that the Yank in that thing, Edward."
    "Aye, Peter. That's him away."
    "Ah, bugger it. I meant to say cheerio."

    (And Stella Urquhart looks wistfully skyward.)

    -- Local Hero
  8. longgone

    longgone Member

    I got one from the old Lassie TV series. I guess this would have been early 60s. It was a 2- or 3-parter. Lassie gets lost. After much searching, Timmy finally gives up and goes out in the field to bury Lassie's favorite toys. Then, he hears her barking and she comes running over the hill into his arms. I cried like a baby. Been trying to find those episodes on DVD.
  9. terrier

    terrier Well-Known Member

    Deadwood, Season 1 finale. Doc knows Rev. Smith's brain tumor is too far gone, and he agonizes about how he cannot bring himself to deal with the situation. He calls Al, who's willing to deal with the situation (aided by a pillow). Doubly sad because Al's relationship with the Rev signalled his turn from heartless bastard into camp leader.
  10. Herbert Anchovy

    Herbert Anchovy Active Member

    This video knocked me flat on my ass a few weeks ago, hard to get up off the ground afterward.

  11. The first time I saw Rudy, I cried on about four different occasions, the first one being when he finally got excepted to Notre Dame, then when the players come in and put their jerseys on the coach's desk, when he walks out of the tunnel, and of course the sack. Just recently, I saw Shawshank Redemption for the first time and cried when the old man hung himself, when Tim Robbins finally escapes and when Morgan Freeman and Robbins embrace on the beach. Very powerful, emotional moments, especially the latter two.
  12. Babyjay

    Babyjay Member

    The Heisman dinner in Something for Joey. Sniff sniff.
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