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Movie scenes that make you cry

Discussion in 'Anything goes' started by Evil ... Thy name is Orville Redenbacher!!, Aug 29, 2007.

  1. Simon_Cowbell

    Simon_Cowbell Active Member

    Is that... This Used to be our Playground?
  2. Matt Foley

    Matt Foley Member

    This isn't from a movie, but it is a very well known video clip, so I think it might be relevant here. The clip of that high school basketball game last year when the autistic manager, Jason McElwain scored 20 points, I just loose it every time I see the crowd's reaction when he hits his first 3-pointer.
  3. Kaylee

    Kaylee Member

    Specific answer: The scene in The Rookie where Jimmy Morris calls his son and tells him he's been called up to the big leagues.

    Broad answer: Any scene in which an animal dies.
  4. Good catch.
  5. ColbertNation

    ColbertNation Member

    **sniff, sniff** thanks, outofplace.

    BTW, also forgot to add Lion King when Mufasa dies to save Simba. Serious water works there.
  6. Jersey_Guy

    Jersey_Guy Active Member

    The scene in "Big Fish", where the son carries his dad to the river.

    The Riders of Rohan scene in LOTR gets me too.
  7. Damn, I love Big Fish.
  8. IGotQuestions

    IGotQuestions Member

    That scene, and "Man of the Hour' starts. ... That was the second time I let myself cry in a theater.

    Before that, it was "I Am Sam."
  9. Sconnie

    Sconnie Member

    That one, I was waiting to see if anyone else put that one on there. That's the first movie I remember crying at. I was about 10, and I just sobbed. My mom even laughed at me
  10. Sconnie

    Sconnie Member

    Def Ladder 49...My grandpa was a fireman. He's dead now, nothing to do with fire, but it still makes me think of him way too much. I'm crying pretty much that entire movie.

    United 93 too, especially when all the good-bye phone calls start before the guys try to take over the plane. Up until that point, it might as well be Passenger 57 or any other lame plane-terrorist movie. Those calls in when it starts to hit home 100 percent
  11. Sconnie

    Sconnie Member

    Also, a few mentioned Armageddon. I've got at least three friends and my wife who laugh at me, but I can't help it. Benny and Bruce saying good-bye to Liv, and then the "you were always like a son to me" line, followed by Affleck screaming "I love you" through the door. Cheesy, but god dam do I well up.

    Also, someone else mentioned Where the Red Fern grows. I remember in fourth grade, our teacher read us that book in class. All the girls and me were the only ones crying. All the other dudes in class laughed at me. I still have the book, and I still cry when I read it...or even a little misty now thinking about it. Poor Little Ann, Old Dan and Billy.
  12. StaggerLee

    StaggerLee Well-Known Member

    Lots of great movie moments on this thread. Here are the scenes that get my floodgates open:

    The Perfect Storm (Clooney's voice-over at the end)
    Castaway (when Wilson and Tom Hanks get separated)
    Shawshank Redemption (Brooks hanging himself still gets me)
    LaBamba (pretty much from the moment Richie dies until the end of the movie)
    Glory (hard to keep the waterworks from flowing no matter how often I see it)
    Red Dawn (scene in the park when he's holding his brother)
    The Pursuit of Happyness (when he's holding his son in the Subway bathroom)
    The Green Mile (twice, when Delacroix and Coffey get the chair)
    Armageddon (when Bruce Willis is talking to Liv at the end)

    I'm not afraid to admit a good, well-written scene can get my emotions flowing.
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