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Movie scenes that make you cry

Discussion in 'Anything goes' started by Evil ... Thy name is Orville Redenbacher!!, Aug 29, 2007.

  1. three_bags_full

    three_bags_full Well-Known Member

    Steel Magnolias. All of them.
  2. Mr. Homer

    Mr. Homer Member

    I'm with you The Notebook. Why has that movie become cliche for men to say, 'it's the best chick flick I've ever seen'
  3. Simon_Cowbell

    Simon_Cowbell Active Member

    Totally agree with these sentiments.
  4. MN Matt

    MN Matt Member

    The ending of Big Fish
  5. Cansportschick

    Cansportschick Active Member

    One of my favourite movies and the ending did make me cry gallons.

    Also the ending of the Notebook
    -Sweet November
    -a scene in Last Samurai that I can't mention or I will ruin it for someone who hasn't seen it yet
    -When Scarlett is on her crop field in Gone with the Wind and when something happens to her daughter.
  6. Kato

    Kato Well-Known Member

    The final scene in Gallipoli

    Jack: What are your legs?
    Archy Hamilton: Springs. Steel springs.
    Jack: What are they going to do?
    Archy Hamilton: Hurl me down the track.
    Jack: How fast can you run?
    Archy Hamilton: As fast as a leopard.
    Jack: How fast are you going to run?
    Archy Hamilton: As fast as a leopard.
    Jack: Then lets see you do it.
  7. huntsie

    huntsie Active Member

    Just saw "Crash" -- great movie. Touching scene when the angry storeowner goes after the locksmith, shoots him -- and the little five-year-old with the "invisible cloak" that her daddy had tied around her earlier dives in front of him to protect him.
    The anguish on the faces, the little girl saying "it's a good cloak" while they feel for the bullet -- and then the realization that it was a blank...a great scene in a great movie.
  8. In Cold Blood

    In Cold Blood Member

    The end of american history X.
  9. godshammgod

    godshammgod Member

    Totally agree on Into the Wild. I just watched that yesterday. Ole Hal did it to me. Any other year (and I mean other than a Bardem year) I'd give him the Oscar hands down. That's amazing when a slight droop of the eyes and a frown can cause tears.

    And, not a movie, but a miniseries...anyways Empire Falls did it to me too. It's hard to describe without giving away a major plot hole, but that's a crushing movie at times.
  10. outofplace

    outofplace Well-Known Member

    (SPOILER alert in this post, for those who haven't seen this.)

    Oh yeah...that scene got me. For the second or two when I thought they had actually killed the little girl. Being a father with a little girl, I immediately thought about how guilty the guy would feel for telling his kid the story and it ends up getting her shot.

    Beautiful scene with two daughters doing whatever they can to save their fathers...the little girl running to protect hers and the shopkeeper's daughter saving him by making sure he only had blanks in the gun (though we don't find that out until a bit later).
  11. Big Buckin' agate_monkey

    Big Buckin' agate_monkey Active Member

    Armageddon. When the Col. approaches Liv's character and says: "Miss Stamper? Colonel Willie Sharp, United States Airforce, ma'am. Requesting the permission to shake the hand of the daughter of the bravest man I've ever met."

    Gets me every time.
  12. outofplace

    outofplace Well-Known Member

    Can't say I cried watching Armageddon, but I thought the last conversation between Bruce Willis's character and Tyler's was better. As I've mentioned before on this thread -- it's the daddy-daughter thing.

    One more that might cause some waterworks, even if it is kind of corny. Some of the scenes near the end of The Bucket List had Mrs. OOP crying. She almost had me going, too. Both of us lost our fathers to cancer, so even some of the scenes at the beginning when both guys are going through chemo were kinda tough to watch.
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