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Mr. Pot And Mr. Kettle Announce Their Enagagement

Discussion in 'Sports and News' started by Fenian_Bastard, Sep 24, 2007.

  1. MCbamr

    MCbamr Member

    Cool. Flowing words and all that stuff. Wow, you must be a writer. Either that or -- and I'm just spitballing here -- you have all of Jack Nicholson's best work on dvd.

    What does Katrina have to do this? When you've lived in Louisiana for most of your life, like I have, then you can comment more authoritatively on government corruption's role in New Orleans' problems. Until then, stick to the topic.

    I gave examples of major black candidates the DNC willingly let sink, including one who was passed over for a white candidate in their own party. I could list the blacks who play REAL roles in the current presidential administration, but I know that would be too much for you. You have already passed up your chances to respond to the topic under discussion.

    Better luck next time.
  2. Oooh, I am stung by expertise. And geography. And someone who goes to the movies.
    I'm sorry. I thought the topic under discussion was the relative financing of black candidates by the RNC vis a vis the DNC. Which means that, say, Condoleeza Rice wouldn't count, because, as most people know, she wasn't elected to her current job because, as only the most astute students of American government might be aware, Secretary of State is an appointive position. I merely pointed out that the fact that the RNC has elected precisely no black people to high federal office since JC Watts hung 'em up because he got tired of bein Newt Gingrich's token might have some bearing on your argument that the (currently imaginary) black candidates backed by the RNC are better off than those actual, living, breathing black people financed by the DNC. If what you say is true -- and, glorioski, you mean national committees might actually prefer one candidate over the next? -- then where are the candidates? Where are those luxuriously financed Republican congressional candidates? It's already October of 2007 and they're certainly not making themselves obvious. Bring 'em out, sport.
    At this point, we might ponder why the political reality is so contrary to your unfounded assertions. This is where Katrina comes in, and, also, where one might mention that the current Republican party has an approval rating among black Americans that's barely in single digits.
  3. MCbamr

    MCbamr Member

    So, in other (more simple) words, you don't have an answer to why those guys were left to wither on the vine by the DNC.

    And, just for one more chance for your reading comprehension...

    This: "I could list the blacks who play REAL roles in the current presidential administration, but I know that would be too much for you."

    would not lead to this: "Which means that, say, Condoleeza Rice wouldn't count, because, as most people know, she wasn't elected to her current job because, as only the most astute students of American government might be aware, Secretary of State is an appointive position." if you read more closely. Of course, and I'm just spitballing here, facts and the truth aren't important to you.

    I will agree with you on one thing. With liberals running schools, only the most astute students will know that Secretary of State is an appointed position.
  4. zeke12

    zeke12 Guest

    Since Fenian appears to be logged off, allow me...

    Inches from actual English.

    Keep on working, though, because a man's reach should exceed his grasp, or what's a heaven for?
  5. Dangerous_K

    Dangerous_K Active Member

    Wow, that was certainly pulled out of thin air.
  6. JR

    JR Well-Known Member

    Our new friend, who is maybe inches smarter than Old Tony, still hasn't addressed the issue he originally posted--about the RNC.

    But like Tony he has learned to shift the argument and then comes up with a screamer about liberals and the education system.
  7. I suspect that the DNC, which was wrong about everyone from Jim Webb to Jon Tester in the last election cycle and whose timidity I have never failed to give the ol' bazoo, had candidates they preferred to, say, Carl McCall. Unfortunate, perhaps, but to imply from that some sort of racial animus, and to conclude that the RNC funds the black candidates it doesn't have anywhere in the country -- as a result of its 30-year allegiance to the reeking carcass of American apartheid and its more recent neglect of the citizens of an entire American city -- more lavishly is empirically ludicrous. Again, I ask, where are all these RNC-fattened black candidates? Who's the RNC-fattened challenger in Jim Clyburn's district, or Charlie Rangel's, or John Conyers', or (heaven help us) Sheila Jackson Lee's, and she ought to be an easy pick-up, given her occasionally erratic behavior and the fact that I am sure the RNC would pump tens of thousands of dollars into a challenge.
    Where are they?
    Talk about questions you can't answer.
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