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MSNBC's Jimmy Williams: Romney "Needs to Come out of the Closet on his Religion"

Discussion in 'Sports and News' started by YankeeFan, May 14, 2012.

  1. Dick Whitman

    Dick Whitman Well-Known Member

    I was raised Catholic and honestly never realized that there was so much religious bigotry in the world. It's naive, but I'm still a little taken aback when someone says something anti-semitic, for example. I just wouldn't even think it, let alone say it. I was annoyed with my Baptist friend in the neighborhood who acted a little holier-than-thou, but that's about the extent of it.
  2. Bob Cook

    Bob Cook Active Member

    Seriously, of all the things to question Mitt Romney about, to me religion is way, way down on the list.

    However, I wish he would talk openly about what he thought of "The Book of Mormon."
  3. YankeeFan

    YankeeFan Well-Known Member

    Lots of Christians consider Jews to be "incomplete" and to have rejected Jesus.

    Plenty of Protestants consider Catholics to be cult members.

    And, Romney was a Bishop. He isn't currently. And, while I'm not an expert, the role is different than a Catholic might understand the term.

    My understanding is that he was more like a Parish President. I don't believe he ever gave up his "day job". I know he counseled Parishioners, but did he even lead services?
  4. daytonadan1983

    daytonadan1983 Well-Known Member

    As a Mormon sportswriter, my response to Jimmy Williams: suck my balls.

    Worked on South Park. Works just fine elsewhere.

    I'm so over this.
  5. Azrael

    Azrael Well-Known Member

    Liberty University teaches that Mormonism is a cult. The press reported that Liberty University teaches that Mormonism is a cult.

    Not equivalent. Not complicated.
  6. YankeeFan

    YankeeFan Well-Known Member

    My honest guess is that he thinks parts of it are BS. But, to says so would ostracize him in his community, and deny his heritage.

    Besides, what parts of the Bible does Barack Obama need to tell us what he thought about? They're not running for Pastor.

    Lastly, at this point, I think, because of its insularity, and the attacks against it since its founding, Mormonism -- much like Judaism -- is as much a cultural designation as it is a religious one.

    You don't stop being a Jew if you don't believe every word of the Torah. Mitt Romney is a Mormon. What does it matter if he believes every word of the Book of Mormon, as far as his fittness for the office of the President goes?

    In the same way, I'm a Catholic. And, regardless of my religious beliefs, you can't separate my Catholicism from my identity.
  7. dreunc1542

    dreunc1542 Active Member

    I assumed Bob was talking about the musical.
  8. JayFarrar

    JayFarrar Well-Known Member

    Mormons don't have paid local clergy.

    The bishop is the leader of a congregation with more than 200 members. Romney held the position of bishop, which meant he was the head of the local, neighborhood church. No single person gives a sermon at a Mormon church meeting. Generally speaking, three people will give talks of varying lengths with the bishop leading the service.

    All Mormon church positions are volunteers and a bishop, generally speaking, volunteers for the job. He, all Mormon leadership positions are held by men, will continue to work their normal job. Unless, of course, they are retired.

    Romney also held the position of stake president, also a volunteer position. That person serves as the regional head of 10 to 12 Mormon churches in the area. Given Boston's size and lack of Mormon population, I think that meant he was the head of the Mormon church there.

    The stake president answers to a group of men based in Salt Lake City, who then answer to a smaller group, then eventually the church president. All those positions are paid.

    Romney also served a Mormon mission and held a leadership position then as well.

    While "coming out of the closet" is not the term I would use, the two things most important in Romney's life are his family and his church. He has been extremely silent about his faith. To the point, that it is obvious he doesn't want to discuss it.

    Mormonism is not a cultural designation. It simply isn't. Mormons are an insular faith by design and choice. They want it that way. Then they expect people to look the other way when aspects of the faith are questioned.

    FYI: I watch MSNBC most every day and I have no idea who Jimmy Williams is.
  9. heyabbott

    heyabbott Well-Known Member

    Can Fox or MSNBC convert anyone? Fox and MSNBC only preach to the choir of the already converted or committed.

    The 'relatively object' media, print and local broadcast, are to blame for regurgitating the titillating items from the biased cable tabloids.
  10. Boom_70

    Boom_70 Well-Known Member

    Romney's religion is the 1000 lb gorilla in the room that he needs to address.

    He last addressed it nationally in 2007, in a well received speech at The Bush Library.

    If he wants to have a chance at all he needs to address his faith upfront.

    One of speeches that turned things around for Obama was the speech he gave in Philly during the Democratic primary. It was at a time when many were calling into question his Christianity and the Jeremiah Wright issue.

    This is one more example of Romney getting bad advise.
    He is just not a good candidate.
  11. cranberry

    cranberry Well-Known Member

    Interestingly (or not), I only watched a quick TV news report on the Liberty University speech and the thing that jumped out was when addressing marriage Mitt seemed to emphasize that marriage was between ONE man and ONE woman. Is there still a large segment of people who believe Mormans practice polygamy? Too many people watching Big Love?
  12. YankeeFan

    YankeeFan Well-Known Member

    They'll Know We Are Christians by Our Love

    I'm not sure why folks would expect Romney to "defend" his religion during a commencement address. What would he defend? The Book of Mormon? Accusations that the religion is a "cult".

    Is this the forum? Would it be practical, or effective?

    Sure, he could say, "hey, fuck off you bunch of intolerant hicks, my religion is not a cult". I doubt that would work. And, then he would have had to spend the rest of his speech defending and explaining church teachings. Boring!

    If the goal is to show that he is not a cult member, isn't he better off going with the axiom journalist live by -- show me, don't tell me?

    Representing himself as someone who shares the morals, and values of the graduating class probably did more to refute the notion that Mormonism is a cult than any lecture or doctrinal discussion ever could.
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