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Muh Muh Muh My Corona (virus)

Discussion in 'Sports and News' started by Twirling Time, Jan 21, 2020.

  1. Driftwood

    Driftwood Well-Known Member

    My bank is drive through only without an appointment.
    No big deal. I rarely go in anyway. Most of my banking is ATM once a month.
    I haven't thought about it until now, but if I needed to get into my safety deposit box - and I can't think for the life of me why I would - somebody is letting me in.
  2. Della9250

    Della9250 Well-Known Member

  3. DanielSimpsonDay

    DanielSimpsonDay Well-Known Member

    fauchi virtue signaling for twitter he's so desirous for this to be worse just to look good for speaking engagements on college campuses
  4. MileHigh

    MileHigh Moderator Staff Member

    I have two banks. One for personal, one for HOA. HOA bank lobby is drive-thru only. Personal one has lobby open, which is good because I've had to deal with estate crap the past month and the woman I've been working with and knows the complexities of my/out situation has been available and got things fixed.
  5. Twirling Time

    Twirling Time Well-Known Member

    America is turning into a RISK playing board as we watch.
  6. micropolitan guy

    micropolitan guy Well-Known Member

    Every time you think someone on FOX has set the standard for stupidity, someone tops them in the next day or two.
  7. Della9250

    Della9250 Well-Known Member

    33,000 deaths in the last 30 days
  8. Smallpotatoes

    Smallpotatoes Well-Known Member

    The virus and I have something in common.

  9. Batman

    Batman Well-Known Member

    There was a fun XBox game, released in 2005, called "Shattered Union" in which you fight the second American Civil War. The premise was that a rogue Russian general nuked Washington, D.C. during the 2008 inauguration following a contentious election (modeled after the 2000 election, but it could also apply to 2020) and the country broke up into a half-dozen different countries. Your job was to pick one faction and defeat the others to reunite the country. After you did that, you had to retake Alaska, which had been conquered by the Russians.

    Shattered Union - Wikipedia

    Anyway, the way that they split the factions actually had some thought behind it and the map they cooked up is starting to look more and more like what these pacts are shaping up as. And as much as I enjoyed the game, I'd rather not play it out in real life.

    Fred siegle likes this.
  10. 2muchcoffeeman

    2muchcoffeeman Well-Known Member

    Crimson Skies, which was an entertaining computer and tabletop franchise, had the same idea but predated Shattered Union by several years. You played as a swashbuckling Robin Hood-type air pirate in a balkanized North America. It took place in an alternate version of the 1930s. In its backstory, the United States and Canada fell apart when the 1918 flu pandemic turned more virulent, followed by a second flu pandemic in 1927 and then the Depression.

    Batman and Fred siegle like this.
  11. Twirling Time

    Twirling Time Well-Known Member

    To start, if America called it quits, Texas would immediately become independent and would probably rope in Oklahoma and New Mexico by sheer economic might. California would do the same on the West Coast, the rest of the old Confederacy sans Texas would reunite (with Virginia and West Virginia flipping historic roles ironically), and the Northeast would coalesce from Richmond north.

    That leaves the Midwest and mountain states, where it could get interesting.
  12. DanOregon

    DanOregon Well-Known Member

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