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Muh Muh Muh My Corona (virus)

Discussion in 'Sports and News' started by Twirling Time, Jan 21, 2020.

  1. BTExpress

    BTExpress Well-Known Member

    50 percent Democrats, the other 20 percent employees forced to wear them at work. :)
  2. TigerVols

    TigerVols Well-Known Member

    OscarMadison likes this.
  3. The Big Ragu

    The Big Ragu Moderator Staff Member

    You can send it to the trash heap if you insist on conflating things that have nothing to do with each other and making "stay at home" into something it never was.

    The point in the article was to trade in an exercise activity you might do inside normally, for doing it outdoors. In order to try to limit the spread of the virus. For example, do your yoga outside, with a lot of distance from others, instead of doing it in a yoga studio surrounded by people.

    That couldn't be any more compatible with what "stay at home" is trying to accomplish.

    Staying at home is about limiting the amount of time away from home, and if you do go out, keeping a lot of distance between yourself and others.

    Those are things that some people are having a lot of trouble doing, even though they are measures to avoid people congregating and spreading the virus. They are treating it the way you seem to be with the derision, like there is a purposeless plot to try to get people to lock themselves in their homes for eternity for shits and giggles.

    People have to leave home to perform certain essential functions, for example grocery shopping. Fresh air and exercise is healthy for people.

    When the guy in that article said, "Spend more times outdoors," it was part and parcel of "stay at home." i.e. -- change your behavior and use your f'in head and don't do high-risk things for spreading a highly contagious virus. Do stuff outdoors away from people that you might have otherwise done inside somewhere.
  4. Jerry-atric

    Jerry-atric Well-Known Member

    In my family we have even been getting our groceries delivered. I think it is a little bit more expensive, but our thinking is that we are saving in other ways right now, such as not going to restaurants or NHL games. We have been going on family walks and bike rides, however.
  5. 2muchcoffeeman

    2muchcoffeeman Well-Known Member

    PRO TIP for anti-maskers: If your mask is causing a pain in your ass, you’re wearing your mask wrong.
  6. BTExpress

    BTExpress Well-Known Member

    Won't believe it until I actually have an appointment. Place in the neighboring state is still four days from opening. Wife loves the longer hair, though. So there's that.
  7. lakefront

    lakefront Well-Known Member

    I think you can. These are our numbers WITH social distancing, wearing masks and more than ever hand washing. This is more contagious than the ordinary flu. We don't use all of these preventions for the flu and the death numbers for flu and covid are very different.
    I agree we should be opening more, I had tons of stuff planned this summer, selling property moving out of state, bath renovations--I am going through with after delays--and exploring frickin swimming holes in Vermont. That and more just like everyone else. I can't even think of all the bad things that are happening across the country because of this. It actually, physically hurts.
    So we need to focus and aim all of this to the mf'er in charge. No one is to blame more than the malignant narcissist. We need to , as a county, focus on his responsibilities. We have done a pretty good job with ours and he needs to do his job. Be a national leader during a national crisis. For once.
  8. BTExpress

    BTExpress Well-Known Member

    Yes. But for the most part masks and hand washing are not mandated. They're part of people deciding for themselves to be careful and/or courteous, just as people are when they cover their noses when they sneeze.

    It's the "government-mandated" measures (closings of parks, Joe's Shoe Repair, etc.) that are impossible to quantify as to whether they did more harm than good.
  9. lakefront

    lakefront Well-Known Member

    With what tests?
  10. Jerry-atric

    Jerry-atric Well-Known Member

    They don’t see themselves as making a statement. They think you are the one making a statement by wearing one.
  11. lakefront

    lakefront Well-Known Member

    we closed things and are up to 80,something. I don't understand why that is not clear. Look at all the measures taken and the results. I don't care who took them or what is mandated, the fact is we did 3 major things and we have 80,something people die in a very short time.
    and if by harm you mean financially, again, you need to take that up with the guy in charge. I agree that lots of harm is being done. In so many ways to so many people.
  12. Neutral Corner

    Neutral Corner Well-Known Member


    This is huge if the sensitivity and specificity of the test are good and the test is reliable.

    "Andrew Brooks, a Rutgers University molecular neuroscientist, remembers clearly having a long nasopharyngeal swab stuck up his nose in search of evidence of a virus. “It was terrible,” he recalls. “It felt like someone was poking the front of my brain.”

    Now Brooks, who is also the chief operating officer and director of technology development at a firm called RUCDR Infinite Biologics, has come up with a coronavirus test that relies on nothing more than spitting into a cup.

    His firm has won emergency use authorization from the Food and Drug Administration for saliva tests that people can perform at home. It’s a breakthrough in a nation that has struggled to expand coronavirus testing to the degree experts say is needed to safely return the country to some degree of normalcy.

    Unlike tests conducted with nasal swabs, the saliva test does not require travel to a testing center. There are no perilous face-to-face encounters with technicians wearing masks that have been hard to come by. And there’s no need for the swabs that have also been in short supply. It’s just spit and mail to the Rutgers clinical genomics laboratory, with results within 48 hours."
    lakefront likes this.
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