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Multiple deaths, including children, at Connecticut school shooting

Discussion in 'Sports and News' started by Uncle.Ruckus, Dec 14, 2012.

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  1. dog eat dog world

    dog eat dog world New Member

    You conveniently cut this point..... Just like if abortion were outlawed, for every prohibitive law, there's an underground economy. I still say the bastards who do this would find it and there'd be someone more than happy to sell it.
    He killed his parents in this case. We spend more on mental health today than ever before. Does it stop it? I mean, seriously, it's nut cases who do this. I couldn't imagine, ever, ever, having enough anger in my soul to go rub out a child's life. Or anyone's except someone who is threatening me or my family, or another innocent person.

    The ultimate shame at this point is the bastard can't be shaken alive to be executed again and again for every life he took.
  2. FileNotFound

    FileNotFound Well-Known Member

    We live in a world now where the newsgathering process -- which we all know is an incredibly imprecise science -- is now exposed for the world to see. We could have shit wrong all day amongst ourselves in the newsroom, as long as we had it right by the time the presses were rolling. That luxury no longer exists. Readers/viewers are basically watching as reporters write things down in their notebooks now.
  3. Dick Whitman

    Dick Whitman Well-Known Member

    What is your support for that contention?
  4. LongTimeListener

    LongTimeListener Well-Known Member

    If these kinds of guns are illegal to own, they will also be illegal to manufacture or import, and that will cut down tremendously on their availability.
  5. Armchair_QB

    Armchair_QB Well-Known Member

    MSNBC is saying the shooter's mom was killed at the school. Has that been confirmed?
  6. Dick Whitman

    Dick Whitman Well-Known Member

    State governments spend less. Far less.
  7. dog eat dog world

    dog eat dog world New Member

    The drug trade. We know it's evil, we know it's illegal, but there's a market for it and they'd kill you if you attempted to stop it.
  8. Dick Whitman

    Dick Whitman Well-Known Member

    What would the market be for it if drugs were legal?
  9. exmediahack

    exmediahack Well-Known Member

    I speak as a TV anchor...

    The ability to ad-lib in the midst of a developing tragedy is not easy and. definitely, an acquired skill.

    I didn't see the interview you referenced but, when you're scrambling and you have a producer in your ear telling you to "fill time" and you are working off scant details, it doesn't always come easily.

    That being said, our business is plagued with TelePrompter-reading dolts and I recognize this.

    Imagine having an audience of 100,000 people watching you write your game story or column and they can say, "why the hell would he use that analogy?" or "that point makes no sense - what is he thinking?!?"
  10. Armchair_QB

    Armchair_QB Well-Known Member

    Now the report is that Adam Lanza (20) is the shooter and his brother Ryan (24) is in custody and being questioned in Hoboken.
  11. heyabbott

    heyabbott Well-Known Member

    And you'd have to be a cold hearted bastard and selfish prick to look at the spate of execution style massacres in this country in the past 6 months and not be able to recognize the common denmoninator and seeks it abolition.
  12. Dick Whitman

    Dick Whitman Well-Known Member

    California, reportedly, produces 1/3 of the nation's marijuana.

    Why do you think that might be?
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