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My Boys

Discussion in 'Anything goes' started by Freelance Hack, Nov 21, 2006.

  1. FishHack76

    FishHack76 Active Member

    I think it might be one of those shows that has to grow on you -- like fungus .. There were a few funny parts. Nothing laugh out loud obviously. I thought the second episode (if you stuck around) was slightly better than the first. Then again, the bar wasn't that high there, and it is the SuperStation (It was either this or another showing of "Roadhouse." .. Movies for Guys who like Movies!)
    I think they did a decent job portraying the awkwardness of a budding romance and the banter that guys/friends can have. The acting was far from stellar. Jim Gaffigan and the one semi-cocky guy with brown hair were the best parts. The girl is pretty good looking but she has a bit of a mannish voice.
    I wonder if this is one of those shows that needs a little while to get off the ground, or it could be one of those that doesn't get very far off the ground.
    I'm sure they're not going to show her doing any real journalistic work except for typing one sentence on her computer ("Yep, that just about does it, I think. This one is a winner.") I don't think this show will accurately portray journalists. That's not the intention obviously.
    I don't know if anyone else picked up on this but when they were down in the locker room after the game, I believe everyone left without interviewing anyone, and they didn't go back up and write their stories. ("Yeah, we just went down in the locker room to talk ... and hang out with naked men.")

    1 1/2 to 2 stars
  2. Inky_Wretch

    Inky_Wretch Well-Known Member

    I read in a preview of the show that Spiro's character is a columnist, not a beat writer. So when she was getting ready to watch the Bears game with her friends, I imagined she was going to write a Bill Simmons-esque column based on the pithy comments her friends made during the game.
  3. Twoback

    Twoback Active Member

    I saw the Cubs thing in the promos while I was working out the other day. So as I'm running, I'm thinking -- why didn't these people pay me to consult for their show? I'd have told them that just working at a Chicago newspaper, even if she weren't covering the Cubs, she'd never, ever wear Cubs attire. The fact she's a Cubs beat writer makes it even worse.
    I'd have told them to give her a backstory -- she went to Duke and loves the Blue Devils, so she wears their gear all the time. But this gaffe seals it. Not watching, no matter how hot she is, no matter if she's funny. It's like having the doctors on Gray's Anatomy operating with chainsaws.
  4. Inky_Wretch

    Inky_Wretch Well-Known Member

    Michelle Hiskey of the AJC liked it...

  5. Gutter

    Gutter Well-Known Member

    Nope... she says she's a Cubs beat writer for the Sun-Times in the pilot's opening scene.
  6. Chi City 81

    Chi City 81 Guest

    So will there be an episode where she's demoted for fudging her travel expenses?
  7. loveyabye

    loveyabye Guest

    Nitpicking, but she was in the clubhouse with Bobby after the game before the players got in there. And why did someone ask to "go out" at that time, didn't they have to write their stories?

    As for the show itself, it was boring.
  8. ballscribe

    ballscribe Active Member

    Between 10 p.m. last night and today, I must have gotten close to 20 calls and e-mails from people about this show, which I hadn't even heard of until I saw a blurb about it in our paper this morning.

    I spent eight years on the MLB beat – there were a couple of those years where I was the only female travelling beat writer in all of bbl – so obviously I was going to tune in and watch.

    There's a big difference between what my friends (not in the business) thought and I thought.

    The overwhelming majority thought it was classic that there was a character on television who was living my life, who kind of was me (without the Cam Diaz factor, although I'm hot in my own way). The "you're a force; maybe he's just not ready for you yet" part hit home, big time. And I do play poker with the guys and watch way too much sports on television.

    And I do have a friend very much like the main character's ditzy girly-girl sidekick, who's always trying to put me in "cute tops" and makeup. :)

    The Wrigley press box and clubhouse were way too clean and way too big, for sure. And the way the people in the media were taking off for a beer while it was clearly just after the game, with some players still in their uniforms, was obviously off base.

    The woman who created it based the title character on herself, apparently. But she was a female sitcom/comedy/reality show writer working in an overwhelmingly male environment, not a sportswriter.

    It was .... OK. The premise is just fine. The writing was off-the-charts bad at times. The sports-cliché-filled voiceovers absolutely have to go.

    I was more struck by the fact that there are very few baseball writers who look like the guys on that show more than the fact that not too many look like Jordana what's her name.

    They should have called me in to consult for accuracy, the way they have ER doctors on the consult payroll for ER.

    Not sure if I'll give up Gilmore Girls for that. Maybe I'll just skip 'em both.
  9. SoSueMe

    SoSueMe Active Member

    For anyone who missed it, it's on again tonight (Wednesday) at 11 p.m. EST. The pilot/premier first followed by a second episode.

    I missed it Tuesday. I'll watch it tonight.
  10. Flash

    Flash Guest

    I'm about 15 minutes in. I'm going to force myself to watch the rest of it but oh my fucking God, this is terrible. The dialogue is absolutely brutal, the delivery of it is stunted and jerkish and the acting ... oh dear God, somebody bring back Joey.
    I was never on a major pro beat so I can't make the excellent calls ballscribe contirbuted. But I am that girl who hangs with boys, drinking beer and watching football. And yeah, they ask for advice with women, but none of them would ever be so bloody wussy as the pack she's in.
    If she's really just one of the boys, let's see her chug.
  11. SoSueMe

    SoSueMe Active Member

    It's bad. If she wasn't hot, the TV wouldn't be on this channel.
  12. Flash

    Flash Guest

    I'm quite sure we're not all so pathetic around boys we like. Are we? Girls? Ohmigodlikehelpmeouthere, Isojustdon'tknow!
    She can dish out advice like nothing to her boys but turns into a babbling idiot around 'Bobby.'
    But I guess there would be no show without her bumbling dating abilities ... oooh no show. Now there's an idea.

    P.S. It's not called 'cute top.' It's called 'boob shirt.'
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