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My editing pet peeve - what's yours?

Discussion in 'Journalism topics only' started by Moderator1, Mar 23, 2008.

  1. Moderator1

    Moderator1 Moderator Staff Member

  2. SF_Express

    SF_Express Active Member

    Well, then, you da man.
  3. copperpot

    copperpot Well-Known Member

    Incorrect usage of "begs the question" drives me crazy.
  4. shotglass

    shotglass Guest

    From another thread :):

    In the same vein, confusing "their" and "they're." Noooo excuse.
  5. Moderator1

    Moderator1 Moderator Staff Member

    Their is too an excuse! I are stupid.
  6. imjustagirl

    imjustagirl Active Member

    Yes and yes. Well not my significant other. But my friends and family.

    I've told the story of the car shop in my parents' town that sells "Nissan's Toyota's and Honda's." And if I go to a restaurant and see things misspelled it drives me batty.
  7. HandsomeHarley

    HandsomeHarley Well-Known Member

    Anyone who can't stop and think, "It is" or "Its" possessive, is lazy or stupid.

    Same with "they are" and "their" or "there".
  8. Piotr Rasputin

    Piotr Rasputin New Member

    Yes, I (and my wife) constantly discover and point out grammatical errors in things like menus, fliers (flyers?), newsletters, various magazines and newspapers, etc. We don't actively seek out these things, but they're everywhere. Hell, my sister-in-law sends out Christmas cards from "The Rasputin's" each year. My explanation that the apostrophe is unnecessary falls of deaf ears.

    I think it is important to represent yourself with proper grammar, in all things. It speaks to ability with the language.

    Back the main thread: what about mistakes with mascots? I've seen "bengals" represented as "bangles."
  9. HandsomeHarley

    HandsomeHarley Well-Known Member

    :-*Ah, but nobody gets "Beavers" wrong. ;D
  10. playthrough

    playthrough Moderator Staff Member

    Represent yourself, sure. Especially if your business is words, obviously. But the reason your explanations fall on deaf ears is that it's rude.

    I don't think it's my responsibility, outside the office, to tell strangers how to present themselves through language.

    I know I'm in the minority on this thread, but that's my $.02.
  11. Ace

    Ace Well-Known Member

    My biggest peeve is quoting someone with basic, factual information.

    "The tournament will begin Saturday at 9 a.m. at Podunk Pavilion," coach Randy Goat said.
  12. Piotr Rasputin

    Piotr Rasputin New Member

    Nothing rude about helping out a family member with something that makes her look . . less than smart . . . when she makes this particular mistake.

    Rude to say it to others, absolutely. My wife and I only communicate to each other the various errors we see.
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