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N. Korea threatens U.S. with 'nuclear war'

Discussion in 'Anything goes' started by poindexter, Jul 3, 2006.

  1. markvid

    markvid Guest

    But who gets to invade?

    Will the US use the South Koreans or the Japanese to do the dirty work?
  2. Songbird

    Songbird Well-Known Member

    The other thing is, does Bill Richardson come into play now? He's had the NoKos to Albuquerque, and he's diplomatted with them. He could become a major playa now. And by playa, I don't mean beach.
  3. Chuck~Taylor

    Chuck~Taylor Active Member

    YEAh! More war video games!
  4. Songbird

    Songbird Well-Known Member

    BTW, doesn't it seem odd that stations like CNN aren't hitting the panic button, so to speak?
  5. Chuck~Taylor

    Chuck~Taylor Active Member

    No, they're still busy making Muslims look bad. And they're very good at it.
  6. Breakyoself

    Breakyoself Member

    terrorists do that, but it should be noted that they are a small percentage of muslims. anyone who makes a generalization like that is just naive. it happens way too much in this country, by a lot of people.
  7. Flying Headbutt

    Flying Headbutt Moderator Staff Member

    South Korea has been trying to make friends with the North for a while. I'm not sure why, it must be a Korean thing. Winds would likely blow a lot of nuclear material into Japan, something our friends the sumos may not be too courteous about. And the Chinese don't trust the crackpot as far as they can throw his 42-under-par midget ass. I really think North Korea will be slammed hard by a tagteam of pissed off countries and embarassed badly. Their government overthrown.

    Any next world war likely starts in the middle east and has little to do with the fools in N. Korea. Iran or someone will launch something at Israel or at a US base somewhere else. Likely starting a secular war between muslims that then spills into Israel and brings the US and other countries in. You can likely count on the Russians to work against us, since Vlad Putin is a dirty son of a bitch.
  8. BTExpress

    BTExpress Well-Known Member

    We've got to take the men out of the silos and let the WOPR decide when and where to launch.

  9. markvid

    markvid Guest

    Look, folks, we all know Kim Jong-Mentally Il has no business running the cast from "One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest" let alone an army. It's like putting OJ in charge of a battered women's shelter. You can't see how it got to that point, but you don't know how to stop it.
    However, if you now negotiate with him, isn't that victory to North Korea, as though we're scared of him even though the intial test of his long-range missle apparently couldn't go farther than the bottle rockets we used to shoot out of Pepsi bottles every July 4th when I was growing up?
    I just don't see the US escaping out of this mess without looking like submitting to North Korea.
  10. dog428

    dog428 Active Member

    Nah, everybody knows the game. Every other country in the world knows this guy's a fruitcake and will do absolutely anything for a) attention, b) his ego, c) money, d) money, and e) money.

    They've all realized the game that has to be played here. Give the little shit a few more dollars and he'll crawl back in his hole for a few years. It's worth it to everybody. There's not a country out there that's actually scared of N. Korea. Nobody takes this guy seriously. Basically, they send him money just so he won't screw up and kill some of his own people or the people of neighboring countries.

    That's all he wants here. That's the whole reason for all the posturing and bullshit. He knew that damned rocket couldn't reach Japan, much less the US. But he fired it, made a big production of the whole thing and played the tough guy. And in a few weeks, the third story on every news network will be a new nuclear peace agreement between a coalition of countries, led by the US, of course, and N. Korea. The nutcase will agree to disband his nuclear plants and stop actively seeking to build the weapons in exchange for increased trade considerations and money.

    And that'll be all for about two years or so.
  11. Armchair_QB

    Armchair_QB Well-Known Member

    If he wants to hit the US he needs more than one missle. Think about it. If you only have one and you use it, how do you respond when the US rains holy hell down on you? You don't.

    I'm going to guess that between the US, China, Japan and Russia somebody has not only a pretty good idea where the missles are being made but a pretty good idea how to take out KJL's manufacturing ability. I can't see NK being allowed to produce these missles by the rest of the world. Eventually somebody is going to go in and destroy its manufacturing infrastructure.
  12. tonysoprano

    tonysoprano Member

    Agree totally. Kim-Jong is all talk. The crazy fucker is nothing to worry about.
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