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NAPSTER Memories

Discussion in 'Anything goes' started by qtlaw, Feb 17, 2023.

  1. Twirling Time

    Twirling Time Well-Known Member

    I'm scared to even dip my toe in Hoffman based on the reports.

    It might be like dipping your toe in Ragu's Ultimate Economy Firehose Forum (RUEFF).
  2. PCLoadLetter

    PCLoadLetter Well-Known Member

    Should KISS’ “Beth” have been a hit single in England due to Queen Elizabeth I and II?
    Hermes likes this.
  3. BYH 2: Electric Boogaloo

    BYH 2: Electric Boogaloo Well-Known Member

  4. Bubbler

    Bubbler Well-Known Member

    What would Jimi Hendrix have thought about rap/hip hop?

    Among the gems ...

    "Just spinning Band of Gypsys followed by Run the Jewels, and it got me to thinking Hendrix was so focused on blues, but with so many influences around him, I think eventually he would have made a hip hop masterpiece."

    "I'm sure as an 81 year old he'd be a huge hip hop fan, probably decked out in gold chains and braggin' about his b*tches and his gat."

    "Cool thread, bro.

    'Are you experienced' sounds pretty close to me. Backwards guitar is almost like sampling. Spoken word parts of the song. Jimi was a forward thinking dude. He would have ate that **** up."

    "He like most, would have thought most rap post 1991 is unlistenable"
    Last edited: Mar 20, 2023
  5. YMCA B-Baller

    YMCA B-Baller Well-Known Member

    Bubbler is dead, but um, well, I'm bringing this back.

    For all of the teasing I made about the esoteric threads on the Hoffman Forum, here I am enthusiastically and unapologetically participating in the Big Star song-by-song thread. So I'm just as much of a freak as anyone else there is.

    Thank You, Friends: Alex Chilton, Chris Bell, Big Star, Box Tops: song-by-song

    But then, of course, it is Steve Hoffman Music Forums, so you also get ...

    Last of the Great College Rockers: Juliana Hatfield song-by-song ... (all three of them?)
    ‘Sailing’ by Christopher Cross. A beautiful song and lyric, slightly marred by overproduction?
    David Lee Roth solo discussion (52 pages long)

    What needs to be done to make Frank Sinatra relevant to younger generations?
    The big comparison of Iron Maiden CD masterings
    All things Tangerine Dream

  6. PCLoadLetter

    PCLoadLetter Well-Known Member

    That Sinatra thread cracks me up every time I see it pop up. My favorite reply so far:

    Were you guys hanging around in the Sixties and, in between Beatles and Stones and Hendrix and Who records, asking yourself, "What needs to be done to make John Phillip Sousa more relevant to this generation???"
    sgreenwell likes this.
  7. Twirling Time

    Twirling Time Well-Known Member

    RIP Bubbler then. Our hearts are outside of Indiana even if his wasn’t.
  8. 2muchcoffeeman

    2muchcoffeeman Well-Known Member

    Wait, what?!?
  9. BYH 2: Electric Boogaloo

    BYH 2: Electric Boogaloo Well-Known Member

    I think I can speak out of line here and say Bubbler is fine, but his login is at a Burger King in Kalamazoo with Elvis.
  10. YMCA B-Baller

    YMCA B-Baller Well-Known Member

    Oh shit!

    Bubbler, the real person, is alive and well and walks the Earth, going on adventures, like Caine in "Kung Fu".

    Bubbler, the SJ poster is dead, because this place is fucked up and a simple email update permanently locked Bubbler out of Bubbler's account because the confirmation process goes straight to an internet dead zone. Frankly, Bubbler is surprised this place is still running given how little attention there is to its upkeep.

    Or so I'm told by Bubbler. Last I saw him, his ass as supple as ever, he was carrying around BYH's soul in a briefcase.

    As he walked down life's lonesome highway, he pondered the really important questions. Such as, "Why do some top 40 songs get mad airplay on 70s and 80s radio stations, but others don't?" It's maddening. "Change Of Heart" by Tom Petty made top 20 and you never hear it! Fucking madness.
    Last edited: Sep 9, 2024
  11. Songbird

    Songbird Well-Known Member

    I think Bubbler is still performing Bob Beamon-like leaps off his deck.
  12. YMCA B-Baller

    YMCA B-Baller Well-Known Member

    Maybe the younger generation needs to love and lose a bit more to realize that their current pop stars don't know what life's about in the way that Frank does. Those kids will only appreciate Frank when they have known pain, had their hearts stomped upon, and had their guts run through a wringer. For it is then when they will realize that their little modern pop breakup anthems are just petulant whining and that they need to find albums like No One Cares, Where Are You and In the Wee Small Hours for greater truths about the human condition.

    That'll win over the kids! Do a Tik-Tok on it!
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