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NBA Refs Suck

Discussion in 'Anything goes' started by SockPuppet, Jun 18, 2006.

  1. SockPuppet

    SockPuppet Active Member

    Cuban just said on TV that the replay showed Wade committed a back court violation.
    Bob Ortegel, analyst on Mavs games, agrees that Wade was established in FC, was in the air jumping to BC when he caught the ball. Ortegel says that's an over and back.
    Pretty effing obvious watching here on TV. How the 3 blind mice missed it is hard to fathom.
  2. ifilus

    ifilus Well-Known Member

    How did they fuck the Mavs out their last time out?
    The Mavs called a time out.
    Where's the fuck?
  3. SockPuppet

    SockPuppet Active Member

    Josh Howard effed up on the last timeout. That wasn't the refs' fault. Howard also missed 2 FTs that were huge. It's not all about the refs when it comes to the Mavs' loss. However, the Whistle Blowers sure seem to be taking care of Wade.
  4. Columbo

    Columbo Active Member

    NBA Rule 4, Section VI:

    g. Frontcourt/backcourt status is not attained until a player with the ball has established a positive position in either half during (1) a jump ball, (2) a steal by a defensive player, or (3) a throw-in in the last two minutes of the fourth period and/or any overtime period.

    Wade did not exist as the player with the ball until he was in the backcourt, in the air.
  5. BYH

    BYH Active Member

    I dunno grampy. I think a Mavs win in Game Six insulates Stern from some of the fraud/fix talk. Even though most sports fans with half a brain recognize this is more fixed than the WWE.

    Fuck Stern. Asshole.
  6. Hoo

    Hoo Active Member

    Am I the only one totally sick of Dwayne Wade at this point? His excellence bores me. I'm tired of watching unstoppable backcourt scorers. A guy like Dirk is unusual and compelling to watch. LeBron is compelling because he's not a 6-foot-4 guard.

    Also, yes, part of the reason Wade is unstoppable is because he's so quick with the ball that he will score or get the benefit of a foul call whenever he wants to go to the basket in the clutch -- and because he already gets all the calls.

    I'm rooting for Dallas largely because I hate conventional wisdom and no team in pro sports defies conventional wisdom more than the Mavericks. I'm soooo tired of hearing numb-nuts traditionalists complain that Dallas can't win with a 7-foot multi-skilled forward, with an unconventional point guard, with a variety of long wing men, with a crazy, devoted, billionaire owner. The Miami Heat, with Wade, Shaq and Riley, could not be more conventional.

    Plus, Miami has no compelling players. It's nauseating to have to watch Walker, Haslem, Payton, Williams, Mourning and Shaq play.

    Can we scrap the f'ing 2-3-2 format yet?

    [end disjointed rant]
  7. BTExpress

    BTExpress Well-Known Member

    I don't remember hearing all that stuff.

    All I remember is, "Dallas can't win because it plays no defense." Which they didn't.

    Well, now they do play some D. So maybe they will win. Their situation is no more hopeless than Miami's was a week ago.
  8. broadway joe

    broadway joe Guest

    Dwayne Wade bores you? The Heat has no compelling players? Dude, maybe you just don't like the NBA.
  9. KP

    KP Active Member

    The Winnipeg Jets (RIP) used to have white outs during the postseason. Pretty sure from November-April in Winnipeg the whiteout is outside the arena.
  10. Ben_Hecht

    Ben_Hecht Active Member

    Surprised nobody's yet mentioned that Commandant Stern had the ultimate "I hate the Mavs" official (Joey Crawford) on the floor
    for Game V.

    Think Hue Hollins, vs. Scottie Pippin and the Bulls. Same deal.

    Now they've got what they want . . . a 7-game series.

    I'd pay money to see a Game 7, if Crawford's working it.

    And you thought the Steeler Super Bowl was rigged . . .

    It'll be fascinating to see if they can screw Cuban out of this, in Dallas.
  11. Re: David Stern is a son of a b1tch

    Bob on a car phone, you're next.
  12. "The League is rigging the championship" is right up there on the sliding scale of talk-radio idiocy with "The national announcers hate our team."
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