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NBA Refs Suck

Discussion in 'Anything goes' started by SockPuppet, Jun 18, 2006.

  1. Ben_Hecht

    Ben_Hecht Active Member

    Uh . . . do you WATCH these games?

    Just asking.
  2. heyabbott

    heyabbott Well-Known Member

    no need to watch just go to www.NBASpoilers.com
  3. Watched every one.
    The idea that the league is conspiriing through its officials to screw Mark Cuban, who passed blowhard on his way to intolerable nuisance two seasons ago, is laughable. Most referees are basically competent -- some less so -- but the idea that this is some plot is something that Cuban should leave on his blog.
  4. Ben_Hecht

    Ben_Hecht Active Member

    Same song . . . different league . . . beg, borrow or steal a copy of Dan Moldea's 1989 book, Interference, regarding the NFL . . .
    I don't agree with all his conclusions, but you're left with plenty of solid facts/food for thought . . .
  5. Montezuma's Revenge

    Montezuma's Revenge Active Member

    I'm not one of those conspiracy nuts.

    But ...

    The Wade play isn't a foul in the first quarter.

    It's not a foul in the second quarter.

    It's not a foul in the third quarter.

    And it's damn sure not a foul in the fourth quarter of a one-point game, with less than five seconds remaining.

    If you're on any playground or gym and try to call that a foul, you'd get laughed off the court or your ass kicked.

    If the refs has any heart or soul, he'll be absolutely sick if/when he sees the replay.

    It's one thing to miss a foul call. It's another -- inexcusable thing -- to invent a phantom foul.

    Conspiracy? Not buying. But a major, major, major screwup.
  6. Why isn't the call wrong in the first quarter and right at the end of the game?
    Nobody here's denying there was contact, and people defending the unbelievable screw-up over the timeout should all go apologize to Chris Webber.
  7. Ben_Hecht

    Ben_Hecht Active Member

    Have fun . . .


    I don't have information I would risk my life on, but I'd bet plenty (at even money) that I could name a referee being
    referred to . . . he's retired, still alive, and didn't reside on either coast . . . and I'll leave it at that. And that's
    as much hinting as I'm going to do -- here, or anywhere else . . .
  8. printdust

    printdust New Member

    So, you saw a foul on Wade's drive to the basket?

    An NBA-caliber foul?

    A game-changing, take-it-away-from-the-players-dictate-the-outcome foul?

  9. Hoo

    Hoo Active Member

    What's nauseating is that Dallas sent at least 3 defenders at Wade and had NO chance of keeping him from scoring or drawing a foul. Not because the Mavs couldn't guard him well, but because Wade was guaranteed to initiate some kind of contact and the referees were guaranteed to give the foul call to their New Jordan.

    And broadwayjoe? Yeah, I'm one of the few guys on here who's constantly defending the NBA. I recognize the excellence of Dwyane Wade. I just found his style of play more interesting the first around, when he was called Michael Jordan. Give me fresh and new (Dirk, LeBron, Iverson) any time. And just which of Miami's players besides Wade is fun to watch? Old Man Shaq? Shaq's persona is fun, but he's dull as nails to watch on the court.

    Wade, for all his on-court excellence, is not a compelling figure. Kobe, as much as I dislike him -- now, he's an exceptional player who also has a compelling public persona.
  10. What's Kobe's "compelling public persona."?
    (and, pd, there was contact. Play defense correctly, and there wouldn't be. And Mark Cuban is still long overdue for a tall, cool flagon of STFU.)
  11. Hoo

    Hoo Active Member

    Kobe is fascinating because he's so messed up. I don't root for him and I surely wouldn't like him in real life -- as opposed to Wade, apparently -- but he's great theater.
  12. BTExpress

    BTExpress Well-Known Member

    Bowie Kuhn handed a championship trophy to Charles O. Finley.

    Pete Rozelle handed a championship trophy to Al Davis.

    How much longer is this "NBA won't let Mark Cuban win the title" nonsense going to go on?
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