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NCAA Day 4 Running Thread

Discussion in 'Sports and News' started by Almost_Famous, Mar 18, 2007.

  1. BYH

    BYH Active Member

    Kentucky down 18 with five minutes left. How long til the morons from kyfanboyloooosers.com find their way here with their missives on why Tubby Smith must be fired?

    Are these guys as annoying as Alabama football fans?
  2. Bubbler

    Bubbler Well-Known Member

    Thanks Texas. Thanks for being the one and only team to ruin my trapeze-like survival from a horrid first-round to get all my Elite Eight and Final Four picks alive intact to the Sweet 16.

    Eat my ass Rick Barnes.
  3. beefncheddar

    beefncheddar Guest

    Having lived through the Alabama coaching search, at least in some small way, I'll say "Hell, No." Alabama football fans are unmatched.
  4. beefncheddar

    beefncheddar Guest

    Guess I've been lucky. Texas is the first team to really hurt me, but I've got them losing to Georgetown. I need UNC to hurry up and get beat.
  5. Almost_Famous

    Almost_Famous Active Member

    Did somebody just take a thinly-veiled shot at Nick Van Exel? Oh no you did'int.

    You west coasters need to fall back on this praise of Miner. He was a nice college player. Hell of a college player = bobby hurley, Christian laettner, etc.

    Nice = guys who never go anywhere, but are talented. Like Fennis Dembo. And Morrison.

    To acquire the 'hell of' moniker, you need to reach a FF.
  6. SouthPaw

    SouthPaw New Member

    If Billy Packer's in Chicago, who's running hell?
  7. My brackets are now a pile of steaming meat by the side of the road.
    Byt AF's recent work on this thread is really bringing Teh Stupid.
    So much for, among other people, David Robinson, Lebron James, Shaquille O'Neal, Tim Duncan...
    And Xan? "My car broke down in Vacaville" is the first line of your novel.
  8. Almost_Famous

    Almost_Famous Active Member

    Wow, Harold Miner mentioned in the same breath as:

    Kevin Durant
    David Robinson
    Tim Duncan
    LeBron James (i must have missed the memo on the college he attended)

    Guess we'll have to agree to disagree.
  9. micropolitan guy

    micropolitan guy Well-Known Member

    Three best teams in the Pac-10 at the end of the year are still playing. Three that were struggling (Wazzu) and were completely toast (Arizona, Stanford) are gone.

    That's how it should be after two rounds.
  10. Piotr Rasputin

    Piotr Rasputin New Member

    You have taken another logical leap.

    I mentioned Miner as a hell of a college player. You countered with Hurley/Laettner, because "you have to reach a FInal Four" to be considered better than "nice." I punctured the logic in that by citing Durant as a guy who lost today but is still regarded as a hell of a player.

    Fenian Bastard then mentioned players who never won in college such as Shaq, Duncan, LeBron, etc. in response to your point that you have to reach a Final Four to be more than "nice."

    You then acted like we were equating these players to Harold Miner, when in actuality all we were doing was responding the standard knee-jerk fanboy point that it takes titles to make a great player.

    In other words, it was you who mentioned Miner in the same breath as those gentlemen.

    Oh yes you did.
  11. Songbird

    Songbird Well-Known Member

    Miner was a great college player. Selfish, yes. But he had to be; rather, was told to be. Raveling gave him the green light because USC needed a green-light superstar. He took his share of bad shots, but he won games, too. A lot of them. He sucked as a pro. Comparing great college players to great pro players is apples/oranges. In college, Miner was awesome as a scorer. It's all he really did, but he did it well. I should've burned down the entire town of Vacaville. As an aside to Vacaville, when I was calling AAA on the payphone, the guy on the phone next to me was setting up a drug deal.
  12. micropolitan guy

    micropolitan guy Well-Known Member

    Harold was a great college player. Anyone who says otherwise is wrong.

    Didnd't make it big in the NBA, like a lot of great college players (Pearl Washington, Steve Alford, Danny Ferry, lots of Dukies, etc.). So what. He still was about the only reason to watch the Trojans for many years.
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