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NCAA Day 4 Running Thread

Discussion in 'Sports and News' started by Almost_Famous, Mar 18, 2007.

  1. Flying Headbutt

    Flying Headbutt Moderator Staff Member

    You guys should hear Thompson on the radio three hours a day. Especially when he's doing his show over the phone. Literally phoning it in!
  2. Flying Headbutt

    Flying Headbutt Moderator Staff Member

    BTW, here's tonight's update in our pool, which incidentally saw me make a vault so tremendous, Kerri Strug would be proud. To paraphrase Lou Brown, I'm a contender!

    Ah, the mighty Atlantic Coast Conference, so rich in tremendous
    basketball tradition. It’s the conference that has produced three of
    the last six national champions. Sure, you’ve seen the commercials
    between halves of the NCAA games, with North Carolina pumping up its
    medical school, Virginia boasting of its law school, Duke speaking
    proudly of its business department and Maryland crowing about being
    close to the Green Line.

    This mighty conference sent seven teams to this year’s tournament, more
    than any other conference. The ACC was out to prove that it was worthy
    of those invitations, all the while carping about Clemson and Florida
    State not getting in.

    Well, congratulations go to the Tar Heels for being the only ACC school
    to reach the Sweet 16. One out of seven. Sounds like the Washington
    Nationals’ projected winning percentage for 2007.

    Before we crown the ACC as the most overrated conference, let’s take a
    look at the mighty Big-10, otherwise known as the Norris Division.
    First of all, how can it be a Big-10 when it has 11 teams? Is the
    conference that ashamed of Northwestern athletics?

    Of the eleven schools in the B10, six got into the tournament. Only
    Ohio State is left to represent the B10, and the Buckeyes came within
    two seconds of a second-round exit.

    Meanwhile, the SEC was able to place just five schools in the
    tournament after what was perceived to be a mediocre year for the
    conference. Well, the SEC and Pac-10 have placed three teams apiece in
    the Sweet 16 while wrecking many a pool sheet.

    At the end he closed with....

    Hey, do think there's any chance Gus Johnson will be flying on
    USAirways to his next NCAA gig?
  3. Oz

    Oz Well-Known Member

    That probably only applies to first-round opponents whose school name and nickname start with "B." KU being in the Sweet 16, I think we're long past that stage now. Thankfully.

    Haha, good to see Mario C's won you over these days. Always room on the KU bandwagon, my friend. Unfortunately, I had to work, so now that I'm home, I'll be turning to the DVR soon enough.
  4. JayFarrar

    JayFarrar Well-Known Member

    I picked 13 of the Sweet 16.
    Whiffed on Davidson. Had Texas in the Elite 8, oops, and Wisconsin moving on as well.
    How's everybody else doing?
  5. JackyJackBN

    JackyJackBN Guest

    Happy boy here. My bitterest rival in our pool had Tehas going all the way. He had Florida until the eleventh hour, then went back and scratched the Gators. I wonder what he's scratching now? I told him he should have watched that video of the wildebeest stampede trying to cross the croc-infested river. But they never made it to the river's edge.
  6. Oz

    Oz Well-Known Member

    Personally, I would like to forget about it. Unfortunately, I'm not quite doing poor enough at the big-money pool to claim last place, which gets the entry fee back. All Final Four teams still alive there, but only five left for the Elite Eight.
  7. Sam Mills 51

    Sam Mills 51 Well-Known Member

    What are these bracket pools of which you speak? ;D

    I hadn't won one in 15 years, and got tired of being frustrated. Better off now.
  8. Piotr Rasputin

    Piotr Rasputin New Member

    I only had nine of the remaining 16.

    But my entire Elite Eight remains alive. Usually, I do well in the early rounds then tank. This time I tanked in the first weekend.

    But I've got too much ground to make up.
  9. Michael_ Gee

    Michael_ Gee Well-Known Member

    Lost two Elite Eight. Am in "others receiving votes."
  10. BYH

    BYH Active Member

    For the first time ever, I've got all eight Elite Eight teams left after the first weekend. Only 11 of the Sweet 16, but having all of the Elite Eight gives me hope. I think only six of the top 25 in the SportsJournalists.com pool have all eight Elite Eight left.
  11. Mystery_Meat

    Mystery_Meat Guest

    I lost my national champion. Hey Texas, hook this!

    Needless to say, I'm way out of it.
  12. I'm on the same hook, Meat.
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