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NCAA Week 12 Running Thread

Discussion in 'Sports and News' started by Chef, Nov 14, 2007.

  1. printdust

    printdust New Member

    This will bore the hell out of most people. LSU-West Virginia? Bowling at the lanes, anyone?

    Hawaii in the first Sugar Bowl?

    Let's play hoops. Now.
  2. linotype

    linotype Well-Known Member

    Can't say I understand why WVU vs. LSU would be such a bore.
  3. Oz

    Oz Well-Known Member

    If KU's as bad as you say they are, you would think it would have lost at Colorado (like the Sooners) or struggled with Iowa State (like the Sooners) or struggled with Nebraska (like Texas). But the Jayhawks are 11-0 and -- like it or not -- could play its way into the Big 12 North title game next week. I still can't believe how big that game has become.
  4. Beaker

    Beaker Active Member

    I can't either. Could be a lot of points put up in that game.
  5. Roscablo

    Roscablo Well-Known Member

    There's a team that no one is talking about getting there that has just as much chance as an Ohio State should West Virginia or LSU fall -- Arizona State. Now who knows how good the Sun Devils really are, but they still have two games left, one against USC, and a better computer ranking at the moment than Ohio State. Should ASU win out, they have a pretty good shot at jumping past the Buckeyes, who may be hurt by their schedule already being complete.
  6. BBJones

    BBJones Guest

    His teams have been far better than Michigan's in all but that first meeting. So 6-1 is about what should have happened. Michigan has slowly crumbled under Carr. Only the annual preseason MAC games and playing in the middling Big Ten have kept Carr from being completely exposed. Ohio State's next game, meanwhile, will be its first this year against a quality team.
  7. MU_was_not_so_hard

    MU_was_not_so_hard Active Member

    1. Mizzou gave the game to OU away (the Tigers certainly weren't "owned" or "blown out".) Mizzou wins out, no way it doesn't play in the national title game.
    2. Anyone who wants to talk shit on Kansas obviously hasn't noticed that THEY HAVEN'T LOST A FUCKING GAME. It's them and one other team, guys. Give the Bluebirds their due...
    3. WVU is on deck, but has little control over whether it plays for the nat'l title.
    4. Bob Stoops got the biggest gift of the week, only to choke it away. Why the hell is he throwing fades with a back-up QB when the slant seemed to work just fine?
    5. Clemson coach Tommy Bowden should be fired at the end of the season, despite the fact that he could still end up winning 10 games. His teams make some really dumb mistakes. Combine that with the fact that Tiger fans are still dreaming of "The One True Coach," and he's as good as gone.
  8. IU90

    IU90 Member

    I know this has become the cliched conclusion to college football weekends each week for years now, but good god, how much does college football need a playoff system?

    What a mess this will be, and how many arguably deserving teams will be screwed over by not at least being given a shot this year. A simple 8-team playoff would alleviate so much of that disgust and ill will, not to mention being so much more exciting to watch than the current format it's incomparable.
  9. Flying Headbutt

    Flying Headbutt Moderator Staff Member

    Oh coooooooome onnnnnnnnnn!!! Half the pollsters probably went to Mizzou.

    I'm already on overload when it comes to the fanboyism here. I'm going to hate this fucking Big 12 game by the time it comes around to kick off.
  10. Hey, Harvard stomped Yale.
    That is all.
  11. Blitz

    Blitz Active Member

    Very nice column, or story.
    The thing about these three teams (Oklahoma/Kansas/Missouri) that I've surmised is that they are all about the same talent-wise and coaching staff-wise.
    It's anybody's title to win in the Big 12. All three are potential champions. And the other two will be bowling somewhere nice.
  12. Batman

    Batman Well-Known Member

    In a strange way, there shouldn't be too much uproar. One of the foundations of the playoff argument is that it gives everybody a chance. Well, how many teams have had a chance to control their own destiny this season? How many teams have been No. 1 or No. 2 and haven't been able to hang on?
    Don't get me wrong. I'm for a playoff. Just don't think this year makes nearly the case that 2003 or 2004 did.
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