Thank you for all your hard work in making this site roll; very much appreciated. Please let me know if I can every be of assistance.
Been away for minute and all crap breaks out. LOL. It has a nice look and will take some adjusting, especially on the eyes with all of the white space.
I feel you, Drip. I was gone for the weekend and let out a "GAH!" when I opened the page this morning.
That's the way to do it. With escalating penalties: one week, two weeks, a month ... and then, for the fourth foul, a permanent ban from the thread. And then announce any ban on the thread: "Riptide has earned a one-week suspension from this thread." It would be fair, and it would be interesting to observe.
Images and Quotes BB Code should be fixed now. I'll try to fix the YouTube links in the next few days so they're embeds rather than links...
Jeff, having fun yet? What a whiny bunch! Sure will take some getting used to, but let's not get too carried away with hating it just yet. Though the white space does make my eyes hurt. Is there a way to adjust our color scheme?
Hmmmm, seems my last post on this topic disappeared. And I got a trophy for someone "liking" a post of mine, but there is no record of this "like." Don't worry, I'm on the case.
I deleted the insult and followup comments on it and warned the OP. You didn't get notified because only the OP was warned. Not a problem if someone says they disagree with me or don't like the software, but no need to troll the other users like that...
Jeff, can you do something about the smiley faces? Those creepy little buggers are going to haunt my dreams. Thx.