Jeff, can you disable at least some of this stupid, condescending trophy crap?
I fixed a lot of the URLs yesterday... not quite all, but many. I thought it'd be a relatively simple task (3-5 hours), but it's been a lot more work (15 hours and counting) because I've hit some difficult to debug issues with redirecting inbound links from other websites so that they go the right places. The pattern-matching for the find-and-replace is just a bit funky for a couple of the patterns. I've also re-written many of the busted links on this site to the new url format, so they won't won't be affected by the incomplete redirects. I have put zero thought into trophies, it's just how they're setup out of the box. I'll look into it when I look into user-titles (senior member, junior member) etc.
FYI, I'm OK with the idea of a Sheep trophy. It should be worth about a billion points and be awarded retroactively.