I spent like $60 in beer that day during the rain delay at Nats Park. All while standing shoulder to shoulder with about a thousand people. GOOD TIMES!! Moddy and Heatbutt were there, I believe. I also missed the game the next day. Couldn't get off work. Still bitter about that. If you need any recommendations while you're in DC, let me know.
Personally, I almost left in disgust because of all of the sycophants that showed up hoping real live magazine writers might engage with them.
That was a great night, even with the rain. May have turned out better than if they actually played. Met Steve Whyno that night - who knew two years later I'd hire him to be part of The New Washington Times staff? I had to go back to Richmond because my son had to work and then haul up there the next day for a rainy doubleheader. Johnson did get 300 with the help from the umps. He walked Adam Dunn but they called it a strike.
Respectfully, the opinion of a moderator that allowed it to happen might not be the best source on this topic. Jeff, it's your site now. Do with it what you want, but many of the people who might applaud you for what you are doing left this place a long time ago. Bringing them back, and it might only be through word of mouth which takes time, I think will help bring this site back.
As you know verily well, many of the people of whom you speak are at the other cafe. You engage with them daily. What, you need to bounce back and forth to match wits?
First of, all, let's not ignore the rise of twitter as a reason why some don't post here as often. Folks were working on their twitter account, and building a following. They could post here, or post to twitter. Many of the folks who left here are very active on twitter. If you want to know their opinion on a matter, it's easy to find. Secondly, we're mostly talking about three prominent writers, only one who posts in Shelbyville. One of them was very caustic and arrogant -- to steal a phrase -- and had no problem mixing it up. One is admittedly very sensitive to criticism, and still deals with this on twitter. And, the third was also happy to mix it up on all manners of topics. All of them held strong opinions, and shared lefty politics. They received nearly universal support. I'm sad they left, but the criticism they received paled in comparison to the support. And, if you are going to offer strong opinions, you should be willing to discuss and defend them. If you are going to accept accolades for your work, you should be willing to take some criticism as well. As for you -- welcome back btw -- you want to post idiocy and not have it questioned. Should we all offer you praise when you suggest serving shrimp to vegetarians, and then go on to defend such a statement? It's worthy of criticism and mockery. Honestly, what kind of response do you expect to such a post?
The rift came because people who blasted George W. Bush -- "shrub" to one of the dearly departed -- did not like it when people dared to challenge their world view and/or criticize candidate Obama.s And, they cried that the board was not moderated to their liking. Let's be honest. The founders of the site thought they were "punished" for things Boom got/gets away with. That was their biggest problem with the site. And, they will tell you that.
No, the second board was created in response to a member trying to get another member fired by calling that member's workplace. All the other stuff was manageable. That was the final straw.