Seriously. It could be a pain in the ass if there were threads going a mile minute, but that doesn't seem to be the case anymore for whatever reason. I like the new software for the most part, except the color scheme.
I always wonder how I would think of something if this were the first version i saw it in. If this layout of SJ were the only one I knew, would I have a problem with it? I doubt it. Really, if the biggest complaint is you have to click to the next page of a thread twice as often (12 instead of 25 per page), that's not so bad. And it's no contest which is better for mobile devices. I give the new design a thumbs up.
Boom, may your new-found wisdom serve as a beacon for us all through these troubled times. You have grown into your role as a voice of reason and a sound board mediator.
Being bothered by the incident is understandable. The majority of the BUTT hurt came from the fact that the moderators would not ban someone based purely on speculation. I'm not sure how anyone -- especially the board's leftists -- could support punishment without evidence. It's a look into how the left would run things if they were ever given complete control of anything.
And the rest of the members who have, "never been paid a cent to have a written word of theirs published. "