Not at all. When people put out a false narrative, it deserves to be corrected, and part of correcting the narrative includes acknowledging that political differences were a part of what happened. Did I throw in one political line? Sure. But it too was appropriate. If you know of a single instance where leftists were given complete control of a country, and they didn't kill and/or imprison their enemies -- real and perceived -- with nothing more than show trials, I'd be interested to learn about it.
Guatemala They were doing just fine until the CIA overthrew them because United Fruit was butthurt over their compensation from eminent domain when the government was taking their land to give to peasants. Compensation that was based upon the same tax assessments that UF loved under the previous violent and corrupt dictatorship because it cut their taxes to virtually nothing.
Great. In response to a mass murder, motivated by offensive speech, we get a complaint about speech that offends deskslave. Why not just openly call for censorship. It's what you want.