And the fonts. Do something about those. All of them. They're not large or small enough. You figure it out.
BTW, along with the ability to embed YouTube videos, it would be cool to embed Soundclouds and things of that nature.
I'm not sure what to think. Some things I like, some things I miss. Overall though, I am glad we have a very proactive, very technically capable, new owner.
That is a bit of a problem, especially if Google searches won't bring people here because they can help drive traffic.
I'm a little confused by the member designations. Is everybody either staff, a new member or an active member?
Ok, two things I miss: 1) the Go Down links at the tops of threads 2) on the thread lists, I miss seeing the name of who was the latest person to post in each thread
There's a last message column on the far right that shows the last person who posted on a thread. At least on my laptop. Not sure what it looks like on the phone.