Tony, we're not doing the political thing now. Please don't drag it here. I don't think the thread title is the problem, though I do think your suggestion is better. The show just isn't that great. I almost skipped it tonight. The episode wasn't bad, but it wasn't anything special, either.
Thought tonight's episode was a season saver. I strongly considered not tuning in tonight (watched it on DVR after Breaking Bad). Saw some positive reaction that made me watch, and I was glad I did. Thought the scene at the end was pretty powerful.
Sorry. I don't want to talk politics. But if we're going to discuss a show that has some episodes that are very, very political, then some of the subject matter is going to be about the political subjects on the show. I haven't decided if the show is good or not. I like the pace of dialog on Sorkin shows. But what seems to make Sorkin shows interesting is that I think we all wish we could talk like Sorkin characters talk. But we don't like having drinks thrown in our faces. So the end result is that very few people really talk like Sorkin characters.
Tonight's episode was a bit better than last week's shit-shower. It's actually kinda interesting when they do the actual news-production stuff. When they go to the "is she really going out with him" junior-high school soap opera shit, not so much.
Oh, my god. If you watched the final 10 minutes of that, and your reaction is to roll your eyes because they played Coldplay's "Fix You" as background music ... man, I don't know WHAT to tell you. And in other news ... gasp ... I kinda like the relationship stuff, too.
The show really does remind me more and more of Studio 60. It has some outstanding moments, such as the end of this week's episode, but it doesn't quite pull everything together.
Well, it was Coldplay on top of a ridiculous storyline, which was sufficient in itself to roll my eyes. "The cherry on top of a shit sundae," as Scott Tobias at the AVClub described it.
That was the most Sports Nighty episode yet. Though I thought the stuff at the end was a little over-earnest. I've been in those major disaster/breaking news newsrooms before. It's almost a dispassionate place. You don't get caught up in the story, you go get the story. So the whole teary smile/she's alive stuff was a little over the top. Also thought the "everybody just happens to be in on a Saturday" thing a little too convenient. All that being said, I love the byplay between Sam Waterston and Daniels. It's easily the highlight of the show for me.
Yup, totally agree with you. I mentioned after the second or third show that it wasn't taking advantage of Daniels' character because the people playing off him (mainly Mortimer at the time) sucked. Waterson is a much better foil there, hope the show continues to play up that dynamic.