That a major cable news outlet -- especially one populated by enlightened, savvy, Sorkinesque intellectuals -- would a) pitched that debate format and b) act like the Tooth Fairy had just died when it was rejected doesn't make them idealistic. It makes them idiots beyond any suspension of disbelief threshhold. That plus the fact that Sorkin writes women as if they were 'Sex in the City' characters are the only two problems with the show.
The Newsroom still isn't even close to the level of The West Wing, but after tonight it is clear that Sorkin still knows how to write a strong season finale. He just fits in so much and still manages to leave some things unresolved. I thought this was the best episode of the show yet, even with the Sorkin-style flaws.
I think someone was reading your posts. LOL I cracked up the second "Sex in the City" was mentioned on the show.
Did they call it Sex In The City or the correct Sex And The City? Wait, don't tell me. I have it taped. Will watch tonight.
This is the part of the show I can't get past. I know its a "young" newsroom, but newsrooms breed a weary "seen it all" type of view. Idealism is quickly replaced by realism -- a constant "waiting for the other shoe to drop" when it comes to "heroes", political, sports or otherwise. In this show, only Daniels' character displays that in any sense. Jim and Mackenzie are supposed to be these hardened news vets, yet act like they are in a journalism school broadcast class. I listen to them and think "There's not a newsroom in the world taht would act like this." I can't suspend disbelief.
What ever the show is called...they used that name. I for one...have no clue what the show is actually called. I just know I've seen the chicks from it naked in stills on Celebrity Movie Archive.