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New Sorkin Trailer

Discussion in 'Anything goes' started by lcjjdnh, Apr 2, 2012.

  1. spikechiquet

    spikechiquet Well-Known Member

    But "good guys" settle for the dumpy lookin' chicks, cause "good guys" don't get the...um, nerdy...socially awkward...fast-talking....drop-dead hottie.
  2. SockPuppet

    SockPuppet Active Member

    Ted Turner might have ruined news journalism with the advent of CNN. Face, there's not enough NEWS to fill 24-7-365. Hell, I wonder if there was enough NEWS to fill 22 minutes back when Cronkite and Huntley-Brinkley were bringing it.

    Sure, it's great to have an all-news channel when there's a tragedy like 9-11 or Hurricane Katrina. But the rest of the time you get Casey Anthony and other crap. And when there's not enough Casey Anthony you invent shows with talking heads who have a "take" that pisses off half the audience.

    Now, it's mostly just white noise, not news.
  3. It's amazing that the amount of news that happens in the world every day always just exactly fits the newspaper.
    Jerry Seinfeld
  4. zimbabwe

    zimbabwe Active Member

    Is it "and?"
  5. Moderator1

    Moderator1 Moderator Staff Member

    It is "and" - and I thought the scene with the tour bus was funny as hell.

    I don't get the appeal of Maggie over Lisa, and that's not a knock on Maggie at all. But Lisa is hardly some consolation prize. But, yes, the economist whose character name escapes me (Olivia Munn) trumps both.
  6. Wenders

    Wenders Well-Known Member

    Agreed with both. I died the whole time she was ranting to the people on the bus.

    I thought the season finale was just meh.
  7. Steak Snabler

    Steak Snabler Well-Known Member

    Sloane Sabbith. How could you forget a stupid-ass name like that?
  8. Double Down

    Double Down Well-Known Member

    I have more thoughts for later, but I thought it was awesome in Sepinwall's review when he expressed dismay over Sloan's confession to Don because "the shows irritating love rhombus just turned into a pentegon."
  9. outofplace

    outofplace Well-Known Member

    Good point. The only thing dumber than her name was her confession to Don.
  10. ADodgen

    ADodgen Member

    I'm through six episodes, and I have to say I'm really enjoying it. Definitely has some flaws, but I find it pleasant to watch.

    In other news, I've been sans internet and tv for the past year, so my standards may be skewed.
  11. Webster

    Webster Well-Known Member

    when Jim starts talking about Sex and the City at the beginning of the first staff meeting in post-hospital "let Will be Will" era, I almost punched out my TV.

    The part of the Sloan speech about her waiting for Don was almost as creepy as the Bradley Whitford "you better get a head start because I'm coming for you" stuff towards Amanda Peet in Studio 60.

    Sorkin knows how to write about office friendship and respect as well as anyone. The Bartlet-Charlie or Toby-CJ relationships (to name two) were just wonderful. But the office romance stuff is simply awful.
  12. heyabbott

    heyabbott Well-Known Member

    That's only if you allow the channel to be nothing but an hourly version of a newspaper, up to the minute news, now.

    Why not merge a 24/7/365 cable news channel with the history channel/National Geographic/PBS with long form documenteries, shorter expositions placing news in context, issue oriented stories.
    Don't keep repeating the news, take the time and explain it, put it in context and do longer reporting. You have the time.
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